TFK Capitalist Thread

Agree. They’re totally overvalued. Meta I’d love to see burn personally. Shower of cunts.

China declared 4% growth this year. After all the US sanctions, fuel price increases, their covid madness shutting down the country on and off and the absolute arse falling out of their property market. I mean you can never trust their numbers but that is farcical

Only for the Gram and whatsapp they would be goosed. Facebook is finished and this meta nonsense. FFS. The man has lost it

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There is no way their numbers are true. Especially with as you say the continued zero covid policys. I read somewhere recently that 70% of their exports are from SME’s (supply chain issues are off the charts) and they’re also facing the worlds largest ageing population which is going to be a struggle to pay for.

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China is going to crash 2008 ireland style. Unfortunately they are a slightly bigger fish. Chinese Johnny Ronan and fhe boys are bricking it, Xi will step away after the third election like bertie and write about thai table tennis feom his kitchen cabinet for the Beijing red tops.

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Theyre massively locked into a property bubble. Evergrande is only the start I think as well.

They are trying to pay people to have two kids now the last while, but sure its a societal norm now to have one. Take a long time to reverse it. They won’t let in any immigrants either which is most countries way to fix things

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At least limerick wans can boast about their jobs to bouncers while treatening to shoot them. FB still has a market appeal


They’re saving lives though - no joke they’re still claiming that.

That is mad. Do they still hold nearly all of the American debt though?

Middle class buying properties to rent to beat the band for the last decade with free loans. No one to rent to. Like Bulgaria for the paddys. Apparently thrre is more vacant residential properties in china than germans in Germany


They are in the advantageous postion of being completely government controlled so they can probably bury a lot more than we could. It will take a toll though no doubt. Construction was running at 20% of their GDP which is similar to where ours was.

The only difference is Jung Ji Fitzpatrick and Changy Ronan will be murdered for their trouble

There is a severe correction coming there.

2023 is being strongly predicted as a recession there.

We wouldnt even know about them, i say Xi is more worried about his own backyard rather than the show hes putting in for Taiwan

Considering the rest of the world is hesding for a recession to fight inflation it’ll hit them. China isnt a cheap labour economy like 20 yeats ago. The middle class has a taste of luxury

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The show for Taiwan is mainly about his own back yard.

Looking forward to his invasion of Siberia. Vladivostock was Chinese until the mid 1800s.

Nail on the head, they can’t export cheap products in the same manner as they used to.

Intellectual property is not as loosely thrown around it seems in terms of AI and the aul chips too.

Have you any Taiwanese flags to hang outside?

It hasn’t been to that extent. It’s large construction/property companies that have been hit rather than the full industry…yet.

For example, commercial and manufacturing property in southern China are still booming. Double digit yields still more common than not in Xiamen for example

I don’t think it will last but equally don’t think it right to say absolute arse falling out of it as collective whole.

As opposed to positive headwinds?

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