TFK Capitalist Thread

The visa one is interesting. Lots of lads from (mainly) India came to America on visas ten years or more ago. Normally you can get a green card within ten years. However the process was slowed down so these lads don’t have the green card and while they can stay once they have a job once their kids finish education the kids have to go.

Lads who thought they could dictate where they worked and when are in for a rude awakening and the Man will stick it to them good and proper.


There’ll be some serious power moves over the next 6 months.

That’s fucking nuts.

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The staff reps on the return to work steer comms will be ducking for cover.


Oh dear :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I’ll tell you what else. I’m convinced that firing half the IT lads at most places would improve things.
Systems work perfectly, get an upgrade, then they don’t.
In ours, they’ve made a perfectly good email system so slow that it can’t keep up with typing a message.
They then brought in both a universal sign in for all systems, then managed to run it so that the systems gradually diverge, requiring individual password updates at varying time intervals so now I’m repeatedly locked out of things I need to work.
They were all fine before


Reads like it was written by George Clooney in an airport lounge.
As an aside, the taxi driver last night reckoned his work was down 50% as discretionary spending has been slashed, and says he reckons pubs and restaurants are really starting to suffer. I wonder if the glut on QE has rinsed through the system and into the housing market and is clogged otherwise in a few pension funds and a swathe of ultra rich bank accounts where it will now slowly settle, rather than continuing to fuel irrational optimism in future profitability of companies that seem vaguely like a good idea but lose money hand over fist, where a good year of losing less money than the one before triples the notional share value.
If that is the case, the youth are genuinely going to find it hard as they’ve been screwed like a drink spiked cheerleader by college debt, housing costs, and now the white knight of the tech industries in trouble.

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Then realise your whole company’s inventory/business relies on one core system

Ah ya, so said some lad in the HSE before they got hacked .

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Let’s hope they get a flowery and loving email to inform them of the sacking.


Lot to be said for learning a trade. The working class are the new upper middle class.


Plumbers and electricians are never put of work, they’re recession proof.

Wasn’t a while pile for trades from 2009 - 2014 unless you relocated abroad

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Would the IT lads be in charge of preventing hacking?

You can’t prevent hacking when systems are 20 years out of date.


From its high in September 2021 Meta has shed 76% of its value.

Lots of folks were getting well paid and sitting on options worth a few hundred thousand. Options now worthless and some of them out of a job. Would be fairly soul destroying to be in that situation.

Its PE ratio is now down around 9 which seems too low. They still throw off a heap of cash. Pretty clear the market has lost faith in Zuckerberg.

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The market has lost faith in itself as much as anything. A correction was long overdue to be fair

Hmmmm… Things can change pretty quickly, the Facebook brand is in bother