TFK Capitalist Thread

The Ditch discovering how outsourcing works

I used to work for Abtran

Are you the lad that stole the credit card details?

Unfortunately not. I was gone before that happened.

Mental, mental place when I was there. Toilet breaks were timed. Everything was fucking timed. Constantly on the phone, no gaps. Lots of overtime though. Paid for my trip to Australia

Hopefully Apple, Intel and Cisco can turn things around and start making profits again.

Apple, Intel, Cisco, IBM and others cut jobs: Over 27,000 tech employees loses employment in August 2024 (

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I see amazon have employed the latest stealth redundancy tactic of announcing a full return to office.


Intel is good value for a punt.

I’m not following it lately but aren’t they miles behind Nvidia and the crowd in Taiwan tech wise?

Uncle Sam will back intel.

Aren’t they moving the Taiwanese to the US

Paying them majillions to build their chips in the US

Perhaps adopting the Chinese tactic of attracting a business in, learning it inside out and then doing it themselves?

Tmsc either going to get gobbled by China or US; long term result for tmsc likely the same and Intel back in the game.

Are intel not Israeli?

Not that im aware of. Found in California back in 50/60s, involved in early version PC’s. Moved out of that in 80s when likes of IBM contolled that market and went into processors

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Intel are a US company but have had operations in Israel a long time.

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My mate just took the package from Intel after 30 years there. Nice bit of twine I’d say

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A lovely payout. Will he be able to pack it in or will he find something elsewhere?

I’d say all his bills be covered anyway. Doesn’t have any kids either so few holidays before he goes looking. A crowd of us are going to Portugal the day after his last day in 3 weeks. He’ll be on a big one that weekend


Living the dream.

A lot of variables at play there.

Lets say after 30 years they were on 100k salary and got 5 weeks per year there.
You’d be looking at 300k from intel and 30k from the government.

I’ve heard conflicting things about limits after 104 weeks (2 years)

Also supposedly the best thing to do with it is pour it straight into your pension.

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