TFK Capitalist Thread

Yes, you can. Will close the trade if liability reaches a certain amount

Informative rating.

You’d have to assume sterling is going to come under massive pressure now from currency speculators.

I must bring the £20 I have at home down to the bank asap

Was up 2.7% at 12 clock today vs the US Dollar.

Stops are of no help is there are no buyers, or when markets break like sterling last night. This is probably the one thing retail investors understand the least about risk. In a “normal” market, stops work fine and limit your losses. In markets that are dropping like a stone and panic sets in, you will only get out of a position when someone is willing to buy. August 2015 is a good example, equities were down about 6% from Aug 18 - 21. Then on Monday morning, Aug 24, all hell broke loose, algoritms broke and a lot of ETFs couldn’t be valued as underlying stocks were dropping so fast. Not just thinly traded ETFs either, some of the largest equity ETFs collapsed as much as 40% even though most stocks in the ETFs were only down 10%. Bottom line, even if you had set a stop loss, you could have sold down 40%, a few minutes before the problem was corrected and the ETFs shot back up 50%.


We are talking about two different things

A normal TFK discussion then.


There’s a provision in the Chinese market if a chinese equity drops 10% in one day, trading is halted straight away.

They do that in all markets. After any violent moves trading is suspended to allow the market adjust or in case it’s a flash crash. You can also place guaranteed stops on a stock spreadbet but it’s more expensive

Hmmm…I’m not so sure mate…maybe if it was across the board but the FTSE or S&P would let an individual company drop far more then 10%

You’re a mug.

If you’re a retail investor spreadbetting firms are obligated to stand by your stops.

I had a load of grief from IG about this in the past.

As is obvious from my post, and confirmed by @TreatyStones’ response, I was not referencing spread betting. It was simply a case of crossed wires.

Ok pal.

Do you have a vote?

Do you live in a swing state?

I do have a vote, and I do not live in a swing state.
I will be exercising my vote, 1) to vote against Trump and Clinton, and 2) to vote yes on Prop 64.

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The bears should pay the bear tax

Yes but mainly no.

I voted for prell to go back to the old glass bottle

Next banking crisis is here… It’s gonna be a whopper.

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