TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

This new lad @Thomas_Brady has shortened in to 11/4 according to our bookmaker colleagues.

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Guys, these are tough times for those of you who are not zen. Just remember, you can bounceback.

Bad times don’t last. Things always get better. stay optimistic
Other people can help if you talk to them. Get a reality check
Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset. Think again’
Nobody is perfect- not you and not others.
Concentrate on the positives (no matter how small) and use laughter
Everybody experiences sadness, failure, rejection and setbacks sometimes.
Blame fairly. How much of what happened was due to you, how much to others and how much is due to bad luck or circumstances?
Accept what can’t be changed & try to change what you can change first
Catastrophising exaggerates your worries. Don’,t believe the worst picture.
Keep things in perspective’ It’s only part of your life’

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Have you tried boiling your head?

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My head is zen.


Try boiling it. See how zen it is then.

I know all the rules of a crisis. Julius Benedict taught me well. You never negotiated. You don’t know what kind of enemy I am.


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Me man at Anfield has it. Continuing self isolation till Tuesday.

Get him to sign up for tfk. He’ll win a hoody for being first to have it and start off with a nice post surely.

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Niall Murphy is in a bad way I hear. He’s a prominent solicitor for a lot of the troubles victims including the families of Louginisland.

He’s only 43.

Thats the club Antrim chairman yeah? saw reports in was in an induced coma alright and not good.

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Think he’s highly involved in Antrim GAA alright.

He was in that No Stone Unturned documentary.

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Condolences @Tim_Riggins


Organised sport is finished

Interesting how it plays out, they won’t be the first sporting org to go under sadly.

Sidney and Barney curleys. Take a break from the net lads.

Rugby league in oz and england will be under serious pressure

The AFL are close to securing $600m loans through ANZ and NAB Banks to keep Aussie rules afloat. Players agreed to a pay cut too. Still fears some of the smaller or expansion clubs could go under despite those efforts

Aussie Rules can afford it as they have assets behind them, the NRL don’t. There’ll be a big bailout coming.