TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

One of my best pals was in having chemo in Galway yesterday. There were four of them in a tiny room on drips.
One lady was a Midlands publican who cheered him up no end with her delight at the thought of reopening that evening.


Crazy stuff,was swimming yesterday afternoon in Roberts cove, passing one pub at least 30 plus middle aged ppl all over each other outside, no social distancing so can’t blame the kids totally when this shite spikes again and lockdown occurs

Sweating and grunting all over each other.

You’re still talking about a gym right?

I misread Fagan’s post, I thought we were talking about a Spar.


They’re outside, it’s perfectly grand.

I walked by one this evening. They leave the back door open. The place is tiny, a small unit in an industrial estate. Was thinking about joining it pre-covid. Not a hope now.

That tassoti lad, seems to have disappeared.

He seems to be still present in that head of yours. Next to Sidney.



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Josh Cullen

I thought of that story in the height of the lockdown when people were losing the run of themselves. Gas to think that a lad would be hiding under the bed in case he caught coronavirus, when only 12 months prior he was happily riding some dirty yoke bareback in a favela. :face_vomiting:

I’d say coronavirus is the least of @Tank’s concerns.

You make it all sound so romantic

I’m not hiding under the bed. Every so often I’ll think to myself that I should move to a country like Brazil where they’ve none of this scaremongering shit and then I’ll remember that I can never go back there.

Covid-19 has tested positive for Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


All the covid in the world could fit in his left nostril

Poor oul Zlatan getting Covid off one of those Tallaght heads.

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Andrew Neil has been dropped by BBC.

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Parties in College Court

Young people are the solution. Herd immunity