TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

I think he had his fingers crossed.

“The banks were not bailed out. Shareholders in the banks were not bailed out” and instead “the State took equity”.

“That is not a popular thing to say, but it is a fact,”

followed by this gem

Deputy Boyd Barrett never wants to hear the facts because he lives in a fantasy economic wonderland. If his party ever got into power, thousands of jobs would migrate from this country. That is the reality.


Martin is 100% correct on that point about RBB. Within 10 years of the crash we were back at full employment and net immigration. RBB and chums would be Nationalising Dell and IFSC hedge funds.


michael martin was a member of cabinet whose policies led to thousands of jobs migrating from this country, and that is a fact.

what mart in said and what you have posted is supposition


Correct and a clear distinction. It’s ridiculous that this kind of shite it trotted out and then parroted as received wisdom, as Biff has just demonstrated.


its easy to spot the indo readers who believe what theyre told

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Replay the match

It’s the stated policy of RBB’s grouping. Coppinger wanted to Nationalise Dell, Mick Barry wanted to Nationalise the pharmaceutical sector and the party manifesto included a pledge to take IFSC hedge funds into state ownership. It’s supposition as to whether those policies would cost jobs or investment. I suspect companies would be reluctant to invest when the State would seize their assets but you never know, the opposite could be the case :man_shrugging:


Lads wanted us to do a Greece :joy:

zand im sure the courts would have had a different take on the legality of all of the above.

its still supposition on your part. the facts are that FFGLAB ruied the country back in 2007-2012

You should inform RBB and his voters that his free fish is illegal and implausible

We all partied

another lie to protect the FFGLAB cabal

If I jump off a bridge it’s supposition as to whether I’ll fall to my death. A very strong stork may capture me in it’s beak and guide me safely to rescue.

ive told him that before. and i ive voted for him as hes a decent parliamentarian

I genuinely did most of my partying between 2007 & 2012.


The loony left

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In other news, 22 members of the Dublin backroom team who were taken on as emergency stewarding cover by Croke Park resigned the day after the All Ireland Final.

The 14k who used to go to the mardyke and stand behind the camera to roar on the college with be devo