TFK Casualties of the Corona Virus

Wtf are you watching?

Looks some kind of a MRI scan based porno.

Very niche

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He first went down, the Thursday I came home from Cheltenham in March 2020

Looks like Squid Game meets the Teletubbies

Lionel Messi


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Has he gone quiet or been deleted?


Looks deleted.

“The account you are looking for no longer exists”

@BruidheanChaorthainn will be inconsolable

Not sure he was casting FFG is a positive light. He was very critical of the Covid response and NPHET/Government.

Seemed to be calling out RTE’s reporting of the numbers.

Paddy should be put on the Tina Satchwell case. If there are bodies thought to be hidden, he’s the man to find them.


Paddy is a hero.

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Leo is mane enough with the tenner

Conor was basically a la la conspiracy theorist and in truth a total simpleton. He was addicted to notoriety and likes. He used terrible grammar and spelling. Yet he had a lovely way of brainwashing even more simple people than him.

I’m sure the deniers with saviour syndrome will be able to find some other simpleton with a God complex to fill their Conor shaped gap.

The whole thing is terribly funny. The whole business/management/morkeshing/consultancy/online tech bro/graph bro sphere is some incestuous, talentless sham, which is less funny.

Just a heads up for da lads in need of an online saviour to parrot that HSE Covid Consultant aka Galway based management consultant Kealan Flynn is still going strong.

Im sure Kealan would appreciate a few retweets headed with wont suit a few narratives around here or thatll drive a few lads crazy.

We need to stop people with backgrounds in data presenting data. We only want middle aged anarchists presenting data. :muscle:

Paddy has a really shitty life.

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If Conor was presenting data honestly and in context he wouldn’t have immediately deleted his account when outed.

There’s a reason most of these lads go behind pseudonyms. They know full well they are political operatives spinning a dishonest narrative they can’t stand over.

Conor morkeshed himself as a respectable, up front guy. But he was little more than a supermarket value brand Ivor Cummins, with less integrity.