TFK Catch Up Thread

It’s an odd topic for you to go to bat for, idiots like yer man shouldn’t have a mouthpiece, simple as, he has an enlightened employer like the rest of us, priests and imams etc are living in the Stone Age

Why is it an odd topic for me to “go to bat for”? I’m not supporting the rugby player at all, I’m calling for consistency from those who demand hate speech be banned.

You’re disappointed that I wont get into a back and forth with you- that’s all. You know my thoughts on religion you wanker.

You’re supporting his right to make those comments as a role model to kids, the comparison with religious figures is pointless

Role model?

That’s sounds like conjecture.

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What the fuck are you on about you dimwit. How the fuck is a rugby player of all things a role model to kids? The views he is expressing are the same as the one’s heard in the church you take your kids to. If you had a backbone you wouldn’t go near the place.

Thats a very odd post, I’ve never ever heard homophobic comments in a church, I’d say a lot of people would walk out
One of the best rugby players in the world isn’t a role model :joy:

You display a frightful ignorance of the religion you are raising your children in, but in your defense it’s typical of pretend Catholics. The official teaching of the Catholic church is that homosexuality is “intrinsically disordered” and against “natural law”. How is that any less offensive that the gibberish the rugby lad said?

How anyone can argue that sports figures are some kind of role model is beyond me. Would you seriously want your kids looking up to the likes of the lad who pissed all over a stranger in a pub?

Any employee who posts material online that is seriously injurious to their employers reputation is risking dismissal, and it’s almost guaranteed if they’re contravening a policy they signed up to in their contract. The fact it was “outside the workplace” doesn’t mitigate the harm to the employer. Fairly open and shut to be honest.

Employees are entitled to private views on things, but when those views are aired in a public forum and are blatantly discriminatory, the scenario changes.


I’m not here to defend the church, I’ve never heard a priest deliver a homophobic message, if I did I would leave the building, what church did you hear it in?
I don’t get to choose role models for my kids, that sounds very batt the lad

For fucks sake. Famous sportspeople are role models. Kids look up to them. Adults look up to them. This is not complicated stuff. It’s bizarre how some if you can’t see that, or it doesn’t fit into whatever agenda you have.

Some 16 year old kid who plays rugby and is good at it, who looks at Folau and sees what he wants to become. Also happens to be gay. Most people couldn’t give a shit about that, but I dount that kid would feel great about his hero telling him he’s going to hell.
What is so hard about understanding this?
The thing I find hard to understand is how people who profess to follow some deity or religion that’s all about forgiveness and love and redemption use their deity or religion to spread hate and bile.

And your whatabboutery and equivocation in this debate for your own agenda is getting very tedious.


Plenty of people have been sacked or reprimanded for comments made on social media - outside the work place. Companies go as far as checking your social media now before hiring some people… it’s almost like lads here are just throwing out comments just to be provocative.

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You’re not allowed to sack someone on the basis of their religious beliefs.

He wasn’t sacked for his beliefs mate.

He was.

He wasn’t - his beliefs are his own business, how would rubby Australia know what his beliefs were?

He expressed them and was sacked for it.


Fuck up you imbecile, you don’t even understand half the words you use. How the fuck is religion about love and forgiveness when it teaches that homosexuals are “intrinsically disordered”?. That’s the official Catholic church teaching, we haven’t even got to Islamic countries where gays are imprisoned and executed. Is that not more of a danger to the 16 year old kid rather than some nutter rugby player?

Checkmate is right. It’s religious discrimination and he is going to win his case.