TFK Catch Up Thread

Why are the Lib Nazis sacking a guy because he voiced disapproval on it?

answer the question.

Do you think being gay is wrong and gay people are going to hell?

Why should they let one party make disparaging comments about others?

I think it’s wrong. I don’t know if they will go to hell, that is for God to decide but it’s certainly not doing any good.

Tolerance, he could be right.

He could very well be — but does a company not have to protect all employees and offer fairness across the board?

Well sacking a guy for his religious beliefs at the behest of intolerant assholes is hardly fairness.

I think the problem is that he’s totally intolerant of what other people do with their assholes in the sack

It’s weird that anybody would be so obsessed with such a thing

@Horsebox - please set up a catch up thread for the catch up thread

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He’s entitled to his opinion. He thinks it’s wrong, he hasn’t asked for gays to he sacked from their jobs unless they repent. He has reiterated what his religion states happens to them and put forward a route of salvation.

It’s the poor alcoholics who have been hung out to dry with no one to stand up for them.

When I posted up that article about Izzie this time yesterday there were 61 posts in the thread. There are now 393.

Time for @anon7035031 to stand up

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How many times has this been doing the rounds? Circles

Lads need to put a butt plug in it.

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Is there some hidden reference to catching The Gay in the catch up thread?

I see the TFK Catch Up thread has 90 odd new posts this morning, could anyone post a summary?

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I haven’t said a word about the rugby lad. I merely asked the forum whether religion should be regarded as hate speech? It’s a valid question, considering the demand from leftist snowflakes that anything they don’t agree with is hate speech. It’s not like it’s a trivial issue, gays are executed or imprisoned all over the world based on religious teachings.

Why is it acceptable for a priest or imam to denounce homosexuality, but if a lay person does the same there are calls to charge them with a hate crime?

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I know nothing about hate crimes … I’m only looking at it from the point of view of his employers and why they would let him go.

I personally dont give a fuck what any religious loon ball has to say - a lot of them are mentally deranged.

Nice to see them get their come uppance at the same time

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That’s a cop out and disappointing from a so called intellect. The man has lost his job and possibly his career for expressing a view based on his religious teaching. He didn’t express the view in the workplace, he did it outside the workplace on social media.

It’s a simple question, why is religious teaching allowed that is actually the source of these homophobic beliefs? Why is the rugby lad being held to account and fired while priests and imams can openly say the same thing with no consequences in the western world, and call for the execution of gays in many Muslim majority countries? Surely the latter is a bit more serious given that gays are actually routinely imprisoned and executed in these countries?