TFK Catch Up Thread

again, not a contract. you need to have the specifics in the contract with regard to the code of conduct.

Rugby AU have not condemned him for the countless number of religious posts hes made.
They’ve condemned him for homophobic ones that were in breach of the code of conduct, having previously warned him against such behaviour.

If he didn’t like the code of conduct, he shouldn’t have signed it. If he didn’t like the warning, he should have resigned.

He acted like a spoiled child in order to get further publicity for himself and his homophobic message.

He is not a very nice man

It must be given that so many in this thread are able to say with certainty what he signed

I presume the 3 people on the 3 day code of conduct hearing had it kid.

They have sacked him for one he made.

It’s religious discrimination 101.

He will win his case.

That’s an assumption.

they warned him for one last year. He decided he’d double down. He got sacked.

it’s company procedure 101.

and how many times have you seen internal disciplinary hearing fall foul of the workplace relations commission? its not a banker that rugby have crossed all the ts and dotted all the is. going to court is the big leagues and ive a feeling that rugby Australia may be in trouble there.

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Izzy’s followers here all seem to be praying at the Church of the Assumption

You can’t spell assumption without ass

We’ll find out in due course.

I’m sure whatever court it ends up in would much rather a clerical error than the cluster fuck of a religious rights defense

Which is also a form of clerical error

no it’s a presumption.

you assume that rugby AU are out to get Israel Folau based on his religious beliefs.

You also assume that God exists and hates gays

So they have precedent for religious discrimination.

Game, set, match, Izzy.

The Aussie rugby CEO also seems to be a trans, hardly neutral.

The crucifixion was the original all male threesome

Distinct S&M overtones to it as well, all those ropes

Samoan culture embraces transgenderism and gender non-binary roles

… and you call other people crazy :joy::joy::joy:

It’s called humour mate

Obviously you wouldn’t get that as you’re a bit dim, and also a prude

I like bringing absurdism into my humour, whereas your absurdism is all completely unironic

Nevertheless the connection between religion, enforced celibacy and strange sexual practices is well documented, so perhaps the humour isn’t that absurd at all

Following the link gives a profound commentary on this thread.

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It’s very sad the way the mentally ill have taken over the levers of power in the western world. Mentally ill leftist media SCUM administering the do’s and don’ts for the masses. Homomentallysickuals have long strayed away from normalty and today we’re reaping their harvest, a banana world.

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