TFK Catch Up Thread

Homophobic attack in London a couple of nights ago… Well done Izzy.

The TFKatholics love that shit

So it’s only a crime because the people they attacked are gay?

Assault is generally a crime, regardless of sexual orientation, mate

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How many attacks happen on public transport every year? Were any of them seriously injured?

I don’t know

Why does this deserve so much coverage. They were assaulted and mugged on public transport by a bunch of teenage scumbags, they suffered minor facial injuries. I’d imagine incidents like this are common place across London, because the victims are gay it’s an absolute travesty apparently.

What if some alcoholic gets knocked out on public transport? I suppose it was because he was looking for it? I suppose he deserved it.

They got attacked because they were gay, that’s why there’s so much coverage

How do you know that?

Do these yobs only look to go around and harrass and mug gay people?

How do you know it was not gay on gay crime?

Do gays have a monopoly on victimhood?

I choose to believe the victims

You’re making a lot of assumptions there. The victims can’t know the motives of the attackers. Chances are the perpetrators probably have a record of attacks on people from all creeds and races - that wouldn’t fit in with the narrative though now would it?

They asked them to kiss then assaulted them when they didn’t


If a bunch of yobs went up to a alcoholic on the bus and asked him to neck his can what does that make it?

You are trying to normalize violence now to excuse homophobic behaviour.

You’re a dangerous man.

Homosexuality is normal.
Violence isn’t


I’m not trying to normalise violent behaviour at all.

Violent behaviour is utterly wrong.

You’re the one trying to normalise it. You are trying to say it’s ok as long as the victims are not gay.

I’m saying it is wrong irrespective of who are the victims

You are a dangerous man.

I haven’t said anything.
That was my first post on the matter.

Do now you’re lying to support homophobic behaviour as well as everything else.

You’re dangerously fundamental

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I’m not lying at all.

I have called out the very dangerous precedent people like you are creating with regard to violent behaviour. You are attempting to create a hierarchy of victimhood whereby certain crimes are only crimes if they are committed against people of a certain race, creed or orientation.

Violent behaviour is wrong, what race, creed or sexuality the person is should be a complete irrelevance but you seem to be the one driving the profile of the victim rather than focusing on what the crime was. That in itself is very, very dangerous for society.

The crime that is reported here is homophobic. That’s what people are discussing.

Because you are a homophobe you are trying with all your might to discredit it as such an attack.

You are a fundamentalist bigot incapable of free will or though and will spout the teaching of your religion as a defence for any thuggery or violence or bigotry.

You could be weaponised quite easily should the church so wish.

You’re a moron.

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