TFK Catch Up Thread

Nothing at all is going on with the Galway posters and their avatars. Nothing at all.

Sad to see a committed socialist like yourself championing McDonagh.

Pat and his lovely wife are salt of the Earth. They are proud Irish patriots who pay their taxes

Plus he was spot on in what he said.

What in the name of jehovah is going on in the sinn fein thread. Surely no one is arguing on behalf of any of the bags of pissants that call themselves political parties.

I took the chance to settle a few scores. It’s done now and we’ll all move on.

I’ve been meaning to take a look. It’s the Sinn Féin thread so I can’t imagine it’s descended into a repetitive argument or anything like that.


Sf, fg, ff,dup, eff all difference in any of them. They’re all part of the same dog and pony show.


I think I’ll vote for the pony next year.
The dog will only spend most of the day on Twitter.

You should be on primetime with that sort of insight

Insulting the DUP putting them in with the likes of FF/FG

Always have been

I’m over a decade n this place… Yet I’ve missed the reason for the bile towards Tony O’Donohue? I’d trust the likes of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy in his judgement on this but just wondering what did Tony do?

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Scouted Denis Irwin


ive no idea

He asked Martin O’Neill why Ireland were so shit when he was in charge. Basically

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Clearly an UUCOAM so

He got a cushy number doing a handy job

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A condescending Cunt sucking on the teat of the state.

He’s also from Cork.

Happy to clear this up.

Are we human or are we dancers?