TFK Catch Up Thread

What in the blind bit of fuck is going on in whatsapp thread?

It took me a while to figure out.
It’s because teachers have a monopoly because they can speak Irish.
Not like us ordinary Joe-Soaps battling against cheap foreign labour.

Gilgamboa can’t seem to get to grips with the fact that parents are more than keen for their kids to get on and not be held back by other kids in the class for whom Irish is not their first language. So to bring them back to a level that they had in their own day they send them to gaelscoils.

Where did Dublin 6W come into it?

Fagan rolled in a grenade and fucked off. Something about wealthy areas in south dublin not having non-fee paying schools.


Big Gaeilge (or “Gaeilge Mór” as they style themselves) have come in and taken complete smacht of the Whatsapp thread.

There’s rí rá agus ruaille buaille


Go again there bucko

I’ve 1500+ unread posts in the Kyle Hayes thread. Anything care to give me a summary on who is seething etc?

Acc to the Limerick boys me man who got the shit kicked out of him got what was coming him

91% of non Limerick posters are seething Kyle hasn’t been jailed and fully cancelled.

Why hasn’t he been?

There’s people out there with 50+ previous who aren’t being jailed… He was effectively done for throwing a dig in a night club :person_shrugging:t2:

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I haven’t followed it but I thought he bate some lad to a pulp outside the night club after throwing a few digs inside it too?

No. Cleared of serious assault (outside). Done for violent disorder - the punch inside and a bit of gowl-acting.

What’s the record for unread thread?


To sum up the 4000 posts. Its not different tp when you last read it

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I’d given up on it months ago

Its going to be one of the greatest TFK vindications ever.