TFK Charles Walker/ Micheal McNamara/Verona Murphy Appreciation Society

"My second lesson would be that governments dealing with scientific issues should not allow themselves to be influenced by a single caucus of scientists. They should always test what they are being told in a way that, for instance, judges test expert opinion by producing a counter expert, and working out which set of views stacks up best.”

This is the biggest error. Not only have the government and media ignored the alternate voice, they have actively tried to suppress it. Democracy it is not.


I have posted a couple of his segments from Newsnight before. Hearing him flesh out his thoughts, his synopsis is both accurate and chilling. What are we becoming?

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We are reverting back to the selfish species we were before a brief dalliance with democracy and freedom. Mind you in the 150 years of democracy he referenced we still managed to make war and slaughter millions. Maybe democracy is an illusion.


Top bantz

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McNamara and Ronan Mullen are leading the opposition in the Oireachtas .

You’d really hate to see this spilling over into street violence, the overthrow of parliament, the sacking of the palace and the lynching of boris

What’s that about? What bill?

Criminalising the right to protest
or protest in a way which is noisy or which has an impact
prison sentences of up to 10 years apparently


I havent seen any politican call it as honestly other than McNamara in the Dail,

Fairplay to him.

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I think Charlie is losing it

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He’s far from losing it. You’ll be thinking about Charles Walker’s pint of milk for years to come.
Dairy abĂș

He got it back on track near the end.

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There’s only so many ways you can call a punch drunk minister for health a liar

@Tim_Riggins a thought provoking interview


I heard this. Lord Sumption is the most elequent and accurate speaker on the lockdown and pandemic in general I have heard from any side. I found his thoughts on the medias role here particulary insightful

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Presented without comment

Has Michael gone off the deep end?

I wouldn’t pretend to know much about him but that thread is weird