***TFK Exclusive***

Are you watching County scum

Forests new owners are from Kuwait. [font=Verdana][size=3]Kuwait is shaped just like Mick McCarthys head… Coincidence? :strokechin:[/size][/font]

Big Mick has ruled himself out! :o

:o Shocking scenes

Even Lazarus couldn’t recover from this one…

At least my fall from grace doesn’t involve tag rugby

Oh dear…

To build it up, to start a thread and then to be so utterly wrong. The Shame…

I can’t believe how easy Lazarus is getting off here. This is an abomination. He should be called in front of the forum’s powers and made drag the stone of shame up carrantuohill.


Lazarus got something wrong on the internet, I fear there is no coming back from this, on or offline. Leave Lazarus, for the love of God leave for good.

Careful now. I’ve got friends in high places.

Mick McCarthy is an utter cunt of a man.

Thats been common knowledge for quite some time now. A bluffer of the highest degree.

For fucks sake. Fucking McCarthy dickhead.

Lazarus can be forgiven here, indeed, I think he should be praised, it would have been simply wonderful news if true. Who else is in the running for our beloved club Laz?

lazurus will have to rebrand