TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024


Thereā€™s a marathon in south France that actually does that I think. Canā€™t remember the name of it.

Those who complete it canā€™t remember the name either. Wahey!


What a wanker

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Anyone here doing the Great Limerick Run in 2 weeks time?

Iā€™ll be giving it a rattle. Not really sure what to set as a target, lost last week to sickness, from an already shortened prep window. Iā€™m hoping I might be able to sustain 4:25-4:30 pace for the first half and then see if I have a little extra to push on for the 2nd half.

Iā€™d be happy to come in under the 1hr33.


Hopefully all ready to go for GLR now. Half marathon here as well. Ran a 4 mile race in Newtownshandrum last night as a bit of a tune up. Was happy enough with how it went. Kept all Kms under 4.00(just about) which was the goal and finished strong. If I can get around Limerick sub 1.30 Iā€™ll be happy for now.


Great run last night, well done. :clap:t2:

Is the GLR clashing with hurling in the city?

I saw @corner_back threw in a nice 5km last weekend too.


Got scared into getting a bit of consistent training after getting a notion and successfully entering the DCM lottery last November.
Have managed to get under 20 mins twice this year, having not done so in nearly a decade, so was happy out last Sunday alright.


Well done today @Mac , great time

That course looks like something a gouger might draw on a blackboard/whiteboard


Thanks. Had issues with knee / IT band all week so nearly quit after 1km but felt better then the more I went. Grand aul course only 40 mins up the road. Delighted with it


Great running @Mac . Great progress being made. Ideal timing coming into the summer .

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Cheers pal. Getting back to where we were . A bit away yet. No hurling due in Limerick that weekend. The Gaelic grounds was ruled out as venue of the Munster football final that day due to the run alright.

Edit: just saw your own 5k on Strava. Great running :clap::clap:

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Were you racing today @Bandage
Thatā€™s a good 5k :+1:

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What was the route like @bandage? Good running :clap:

Great running @Mac, youā€™re flying these days.

I posted 20:50 for the 5km in Darndale. I made myself dream & I actually won it if you discount the 41 people that finished ahead of me.

Organised by Coolock Running Club, which is a relatively new club & set up by a chap called Ger Redmond. He was on Oliver Callan Show this week and The Star had an interview with him too. Heā€™s turned around his life having been involved in crime & is trying to get a good community sport & fitness thing going. Seems like a good sort & there was a great inclusive and positive atmosphere there today contrary to the clowns protesting 1km down the road.


Darndale wouldnā€™t be the sort of place youā€™d expect to see a race on. Sounds similar to that Inner City Running Club. Great to see clubs like that sprouting up getting people out and about


Some pace @Bandage , fair play. I did my first Parkrun kilometre at 4:25 pace and then blew up :man_facepalming:t2:. 4:11 average is some going.


Feck some time @Mac, well done.


Great running this weekend.
Great run in the 5km @Bandage
And well done @Mac on the 4.85km


Slam Dunk Wow GIF by NBA

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