TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

Tried out a new device on my run this morning, itā€™s unreal. Iā€™d encourage everyone to get on board before the masses. Itā€™s called a flipbelt. Savage yoke.

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Great running from all the lads over the weekend.

Special credit to @Mac for that blistering (quite literally - if I did 1km at that, Iā€™d probably get a blister) pace. As aforementioned, itā€™s a pity you didnā€™t do the full 5km.

One of my favourite little trails that was washed away during a recent storm has been revived thanks to the handy work of a few local legends. Ice on the car when I headed out this morning, and the sun beating down on the descent.


That looks savage. Youā€™re lucky to have that close at hand

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Shit getting real. Came in the post today. :grimacing:


Brilliant stuff. From what Iā€™ve seen your training has been excellent.

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Theyā€™ve made shit of your tag there @Locke . Some bastard has scribbled permanent marker all over it.


I just donā€™t have the balls that @Bandage has. Youā€™d have to admire the man.

Thanks pal. Gave myself a target and more than exceeded it. First time in three attempts that I got my training right. Did 10km there this evening like it was nothing. Just count myself as lucky that I can get out and train and am well enough unlike Rob Burrows.
They say you should have a mantra when you run a marathon, when things get though you chant it to yourself. This time round mine is ā€œFuck MND!ā€


Best of luck today @TreatyStones & @Rintintin & anyone else racing in Limerick or elsewhere.


Cheers. Iā€™m probably looking forward to it a bit more this year, as Iā€™ve less work done and expectations are a bit lower. I know thatā€™s probably not the way itā€™s supposed to work.

Shaping up to a be a cracking day weather wise too. All going well we should be home just as the temps increase. The city will be hopping afterwards.


@Bod95 will you be manning the barrier again this year? I was a bad place when passing last year so I couldnā€™t even muster a roar.

Signed up for the half marathon during the week. Had originally planned on doing the full but did a bit of damage to a knee in January so that put paid to that. Lots of walking, little cycling and a bit of jogging to stay some way fit. Might blow up after 100 yards but weā€™ll see. Some day for it.


Best of luck with it. Have you done it before?

All the best.

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Not this year, suited last year with the match being on the Saturday evening, the eldest is running the 10k so we will have representation.

Thereā€™s a local WhatsApp group for trail and ultra runners. Iā€™ve ran with a few of them so said Iā€™d join a small group heading out this morning.

Got chatting beside a lad originally from London living in the area about 8 years. So far this year, he did the 110 mile Spine South race, 2 x 50km races, and next weekend he has an 84km one up North. His big race this summer is in California, when he will do the 200 mile Lake Tahoe run. He said he also plans to do the 80km Wicklow EcoTrail and the 50km Mourne Skyline that happen two weeks apart in September/October, and his friends have asked him to do a trail marathon in Nice in the weekend between the two but heā€™s not sure as three races like that in three weekends sounds a little bit ā€˜trickyā€™. He asked me then what Iā€™ve lined up. ā€œJust living pal,ā€ was my response.

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Brilliant running @Rintintin and @TreatyStones :clap:

I see Paudie Maher gave the marathon a good rattle. Just under the 3:10 mark.


Happy with that now, probably very much at the faster limit of my pre race hopes. Needed a bit more long miles done, twas like a light switch went off at 10 miles.


Following a few in Limerick and Belfast and a huge portion of people blowing up in last 10k. Iā€™d say the heat is ridiculous to do a marathon in. Mrs Macs nephew was on course for around 3h in Belfast and it looks like heā€™ll be a DNF.

Well done @TreatyStones and @Rintintin. Yee are both in great shape


I was stewarding and canā€™t believe I missed @TreatyStones