TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

Iā€™m brutal in gyms. Have never been good at them. But Iā€™m mainly using the weights machines as I read youā€™re less likely to injury yourself if you do them wrong! I just look at the side of the machine and thereā€™s usually an instruction on what to do. Iā€™m weak as shit. Every time I go, I have to change the weight to much lighter than everyone else. Iā€™ve been tipping away with a little warm up cardio (either treadmill or elliptical) and then some TRX rows, squats, lunges, single leg lunges, etc. and then a little bit of the machines. My new gym utilises some app for booking classes so maybe check if you have that. Whatā€™s handy about the app is it also gives you video tutorials in how to use the various weights and machines. The little wan is at Lego camp so Iā€™ve a few hours off every morning this week so I booked into a class called ā€˜functional movementā€™. Iā€™m way better in a class environment where someone is telling me what to do. Anyway, this class was really more just an intensive stretching/ yoga style class. Iā€™d say I was the only one in the room (bar the instructor) that hasnā€™t gone through the menopause and Iā€™d say they all kicked my ass.

If youā€™re looking to lose weight, spin classes may be useful. Doing the bike on your own doesnā€™t do much unless youā€™ve a planned out session. I saw an auld fella there last week, and he basically was sitting on a spin bike for about 20 minutes with the headphones in watching the telly. I donā€™t think he pedalled at all. Iā€™d say he just goes to the gym to get out of the house.


What you needā€¦is a movement coach.

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What does a transfer mean @Mac?


The refund window has closed for me to get refunded by DCM. But I can transfer the entry over to someone else who doesnā€™t have one before August 20-something-th. They pay a 20 euro admin fee to DCM for the pleasure along with whatever weā€™d agree for the entry. Means the entry is in their name rather than my name if I was to give them the actual bib for the event.


My resting heartrate is 46. It was closer to 40 when I was at my ā€˜peakā€™


Youā€™re still in great nick with that HR

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Mine is 44, according to an ECG I got done a while back.

I donā€™t feel in great nick :rofl:

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Mine is 51. Tbf Iā€™d be a bigger unit.




Go Ralphie Go!

Smashing run this morning too @Wexford1996. :clap:t2:


In that case my Mrs must be one of the most qualified movement coaches in Irelandā€¦the number of times she tells me to get up and fcuk off out of her way is off the chartsā€¦


One of, but not THE most



You lads are literally killing yourselves.

Doing a 20 minute short sprint/ hiit style workout is far more beneficial on every level than jogging for an hour

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Did you get rid of this yet?

I also have my DCM entry for sale if anyone knows anyone etc etc.

Yep, put it up on Boards and had it gone within 24 hours. Had a few people contact me so Iā€™d say youā€™ll have no issues getting rid of it. Window closing soon though so hurry up!

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Excuse my ignorance & simple mindedness - did you get the buyer to Revolut you the fee & then complete the transfer by clicking through the process? You hardly transferred first in case they didnt bother paying you?!