TFK Fun Runners Thread 2024

Rotterdam apparently very good marathon too from what I know. 13th April next year.


What % of the 35 to 55 runners are injured?
Long-term running on concrete paths canā€™t be good for the body



Joking aside, the newer concrete footpaths are a mess. You can feel the bounce in tarmac by comparison


Im just tipping away. I will run DCM if I make the start line. Will just jog around nice and easy. Ive a couple of niggles. My PB days are over. Just happy to get out for a run these days to clear the head.


I bought a pair of Brooks in June. Iā€™ve used them twice so far :upside_down_face:


@Bandage Iā€™ll give you an update even though you cruelly excluded me from your post.

As always happens I really struggle to get into any rhythm for these few months. Just canā€™t get out with any consistency due to coaching, matches amd social events. Iā€™m getting into the self loathing stage for missing runs so hopefully I can get back into the groove shortly.


No real injuries here @Bandage but I suppose Iā€™d want to be doing a lot more training if I was expecting one.

No structure whatsoever to my training this year. The last four years, I have ran a marathon (2 solo trail, one trail race, one road), but this year I didnā€™t bother with anything and I donā€™t think the motivation is there. Iā€™d a few back issues earlier in the year, a bad dose of COVID during the summer, and then just various things getting in the way. But theyā€™re all just excuses.

Iā€™ve put on a fair bit of weight this year. I joined a gym over the road last week to do a bit more strength work and core work. I might as well start focusing on that and be ready for when I actually get back to running regularly.

On the plus side, not planning long Sunday morning runs have meant that Iā€™m about for junior park run. We smashed the 2024 goal of sub 15 minutes today (14ā€™41).


I considered tagging you but left you out on purpose. You admit yourself you only dip in & out of running but youā€™re still much faster than me. No need for that at all.


Thanks for the enquiry @Bandage - a testament to the collegiate Corinthian spirit of this thread.

Indeed my activity levels are reduced, for three main reasons on-top of the base-level laziness.

Firstly, I changed jobs a couple of months ago and where I used to be able to get out for lunchtime runs my schedule has restricted it to evenings after kids bedtime etc

Secondly, Iā€™ve been battling an adductor tendinopathy issue for the guts of a year now. Much like the tales of wow above while the adductor is the symptom clearly middle-age is the root cause. Certainly takes a bit of joy out of the runs though.

Lastly and most crucially though weā€™re expecting child number 3 to arrive in early Sep. On top of the vague sense that going out for runs over the summer leaving a heavily-pregnant wife behind to deal with the chaos is fraught with danger, I decided to pull my entries for Chicago and Dublin marathons as both were Oct. So, lacking that target event as a motivation it was easy to let the effort drop.

The last week or so Iā€™ve been trying to increase the number of runs per week though even if theyā€™re relatively short and steady. Iā€™ll redouble my efforts now knowing that you, and this group, stand steadfast in your encouragement (and that youā€™re stalking me on Strava and are out there shaking your head in disappointment)


Iā€™ve mentioned before that I did the limerick half marathon a few months ago despite a knee twinge and Iā€™ve been resting up with it since, doing a little bit of bike work. I was shocked when I went back on the scales recently and like yourself Iā€™m looking at joining a gym, maybe getting back into a bit of boxing. Iā€™d rightly fcuk up the knee if I went back running with the excess timber at the moment. Unlike the inter county lads Iā€™ve summered wellšŸ˜€


I said to someone recently Iā€™ve been wintering well. The only problem was that winter extended into spring and summer. Have the little one off at a lego camp the next few days so this was the ā€˜get fitā€™ week. Didnā€™t I wake up feeling sick today, so another day lost.


Congrats on the baby newsā€¦& the new job. :clap:t2:

Work can have a severely detrimental effect on hobbyists getting out. Iā€™d say my recent injury issues probably stem from it in large parts too. A phased wind down became all hands on deck there in March or so.

Sitting at the desk for hours on end, not enough movement (cc Kev), squeezing in runs without a warm up, poor sleep/recovery & generally more fatigued. The enjoyment goes out of it a bit & youā€™re an injury waiting to happen too.


I think Iā€™m going to buy a standing desk converter. A few colleagues got them and said they were gamechangers. Work wonā€™t buy them for us unless youā€™ve a certified back issue.

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I joined a gym too but Iā€™m only using it for the exercise bike on my non-running days. I missed an induction hour that would have given me an overview of all the equipment due to a work crisis & Iā€™m loathe to use any of the machines for strength work, as I lack common sense & am petrified about asking somebody & having human interaction.

Someone said youā€™ll lose fitness very quickly if you do nothing but doing some kind of cardio/x training will ensure you maintain it. Is cycling & running fitness very different? Because when I went back running after 3-4 weeks, even the short runs have been tough & my heart rate has been much higher than before. The work on the bike doesnā€™t seem to have helped me retain my fitness anyway.

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Baldoyle boxing club. Thursday mornings. Newcomers welcome

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If you run thinking of your heart rate then its only going to increase. Try turn your watch screen off or to a screen where HR isnā€™t displayed and see if that makes a difference. It should go back to where it was within a few weeks of returning Iā€™d say


By God, didnā€™t someone just offer me an entry for the Dingle half on 7th of September. Iā€™m going to start training in the morning


@Bandage Your message last night has spurred me on. I ran 15k today and felt fairly decent although Iā€™m way back from where I was at the start of the summer. The road to Dublin starts here. (Iā€™ll be only tipping around Dublin) .


This is available if anyone wants it or knows someone looking for an entry

Iā€™d say if you throw it up on boards someone would be interested.