TFK Fun Runners Thread

Meant to be a great track. Iā€™ve an old brazilian fwb residing there. Might chance it post Dublin, if it doesnā€™t cripple me.

Would anyone recommend a heart rate strap type contraption? I think I need to figure out my heart (have I got one?) situation to unlock my undoubted potential as a masters runner. Iā€™d be doing very easy pace sometimes & my heart rate according to my watch would be in a tempo zone or something. I donā€™t know if the readings are accurate though. Somebody on a club WhatsApp group was saying thereā€™s an upper arm yoke thatā€™s reliable & getting good reviews, even though it was generally believed before now that you need to wear a chest strap to get proper readings.

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Try wearing your watch the wong way round, if you know what I mean. Have the face facing you when your palm is towards yiu. This worked for my wife when she was getting irregular readings

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I bought a Garmin chest one not that long ago and while itā€™s probably better than the watch one I still find it unreliable. Wore it in the 2 marathons I did recently and the readings were all over the place.

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Iā€™ve a Polar H10 chest strap. Works well but I found I need to wet the strap before running for best results


Iā€™ve heard that you need to do that too and I probably didnā€™t before the 2 marathons.

Think it will settle eventually with swear etc but annoying when itā€™s jumping around at the start

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I wear one when cycling. Work better I think than the watch but not much in it, as in the watch is accurate for me.

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The HR is likely all over the place due to fitness levels and other things. Chest strap is helpful once youā€™re into proper training but if youā€™re just running irregularly all it will tell you is that youā€™re less fit than you think you are.

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Yeah my fitness has plummeted but the purchase would be with proper training in mind for when I get back into a consistent routine next year. Accurate readings would be useful in a marathon training block & with matching training paces/zones to heart rate etc etc.

If youā€™re in the gym maybe test your HR from your watch against one of the machines your can hold onto thatā€™ll give your HR on the screen. At least then youā€™ll know if your watch is accurate or way off

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Dont overcomplicate it would be my two cents. When you were at your best, you never used HR zones. Keep it simple, you dont want to become a slave to data. Not hitting certain numbers will only increase your running anxiety and associated heart rate.

You need structured training. Plenty of very easy running (you know what that feels like and dont need a heart rate monitor to tell you), two sessions a week (hills and then tempo/speed sessions) and finally a lsr at weekend.

You have the discipline, its just finding the right plan for you.


You can become a slave to numbers.


Would agree with all this.

When things were going well earlier in the year I used to try use screen on my watch that didnā€™t have HR on it and found that my HR would be 10bpm lower than when I could see it. When I could see it then Iā€™d get worried why it was so high and spend half the run thinking about it. When I couldnā€™t the mind would just drift into something else. Thereā€™s a lot of truth in the slave to data point

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Right lads. Iā€™ve a garish looking wound high on the inside of my thigh. Decided, with rotation in mind to use a pair of swimming shorts on a 14k run and itā€™s a result of friction. Took a three day rest and had to quit today at 5k as it was getting seriously aggravated, and me in running tights. Bar wearing an Adeleke-esque set of green Y-front, thereā€™s nothing I have that wonā€™t touch it on a run due to the position of it. I donā€™t want to be taking many days off as Iā€™m motoring well. What would you apply to speed up the healing of it?
Safe to say those shorts will never get a run-in again, and Iā€™ve had a nasty nipple chafing incident the first time I ran over the half marathon length so I use vaseline on the 20+ runs.
Tips appreciated.

Stick on sudocrem or any nappy rash barrier cream to help it heal. Stick on the Vaseline or any other running chafe stuff even for short runs. Donā€™t wear short shorts.
I wear trail shorts for anything beyond half marathon distance.
Scroll up this thread. There was a good bit of advice on this about 6 months ago.


Are you putting cream on it outside of running to help it heal? If not, the start doing that

All I have in the house is a powder called Caldesene. Might need a trip to the pharmacy

Get some nappy rash cream as @corner_back says. Metanium is the strongest but you usually can only get it in pharmacies up north

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Use the caldesene for now

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