TFK Golf outing 2022 - Faldo Memorial 10th Sept

If it was a march he was organising, @locke would have made a decent effort.

With or without a Lambeg?

Seriously though, I could go back and note all those on here who initially committed to this event and who are now gone to ground. But thereā€™s loads of time. Weā€™ve committed to eight golfers and we have four, half way there. Letā€™s be ā€˜avin you etc etc.
Welcome to the forum @estebandaface, whoever you are :smiley:, how many points did you get in the Leavjng Cert?

the education received from Sextons CBS is worth far more than points

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What are you playing off? :thinking:

Your ma.


Would love to make it @Locke but Saturdays a bit of a no-go for me these days. Hope it goes well.

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14.8 but I donā€™t think that matters in a scramble. 4 tee off, use the best one, 4 hit from there, use the best one, etc. I donā€™t think thereā€™ll be handicap indexes used in this thing

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Thatā€™s it, handicaps irrelevant

This is like the time Clarehurlers organized a get together the night before some Munster Final in Hayes Hotel. Two people turned up. Mairegangaire and Matt who owned the website. Iā€™d say Matt was :hot_face::hot_face: all night.

Needless to say loads of forumites had said they were going.


Depends still.

Champagne scramble is best drive then use your own thereafter with best two scores to count. Handicap matters then as to who has best score.

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probably wonā€™t matter for a fundraiser like this bud, they wonā€™t be bothered with it and just make it a scratch scramble, sure thereā€™ll be a hape of lads who wonā€™t be on the Golf Union system.

What Iā€™ve seen at these things is the might make it 3 to score on 9 and 18 to make it a bit fairer, save fellas having a scratch golfer just tearing it up on their team

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See below the description from the organiser of the golf outing. Doesnā€™t matter a bit around formatting, just that people go.

I just added you to the WhatsApp group @estebandaface


this is it, meet up, flake a few balls around and hopefully raise a few pound for his family.


Welcome back pal.

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It took Faldo to get him back!! The man was a legend



Me and you would bate the bollocks off these lads one handed at golf if we were bothered

2003/4 if I recall correctly

Would you show up for Faldo and test the theory?

Sorry mate, Iā€™m not in the country September 10th. I guess weā€™ll never know if I could beat the absolute bollocks out of some fellas I never met at a sport I donā€™t play with one hand tied behind my back.