TFK Greatest Hits

He destroyed some lads mentally.

Feel free to set one up. If ex posters’ offline identities are kept anonymous and nobody acts in bad faith then it’s surely no harm for people to provide a general update on our beloved lapsed members.

Kevs mate in Greenland still cracks me up to this day


And the talking dog.

Whats this?

I loved when kev revealed he was doing a course in sports science or something in the leading institute in the world in that field, which co-incidentally, was a few minutes up the road from him in Perth

His dog used to talk to him.

Didn’t he also mention a dog that could cure cancer at some point.

I pretty much gave up interacting or reading his posts in the last few years he posted on here. Was a fruitless exercise engaging with him.

Ah ok

You’ve just reminded me of @gilgamboa escapades in the bank vault

@Bandage being caught short for a shit was another memorable one that regularly resurfaces as a narrative framework.

Someone post up the unassuming intercounty player at a deli one please

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I believe if you go into your user account and click on summary it gives you a list of your top replies.

Maybe we should all throw up our most liked post on TFK for a bit of nostalgia

I 'member!



Fuck that. Throw up your most unappreciated post, one that was criminally overlooked by a shower of ignorant
ungrateful ill bred philistines, not that it still bothers you or anything…


You have quite a few of them

His standard is so high people don’t bother giving him an old like as they’re expected rather than appreciated.

I’m coming to terms with it
