TFK International Business Travel Thread

That’s the way it’s gone.

They’ll reap that climate change whirlwind.

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I say they are the same children who skipped school to protest the climate emergency after the parents dropped them off in an SUV


Just in case those who frequent the airports and your flight gets cancelled last minute, don’t forget to go onto the airlines website and claim inconvenience money. I was part of a queue in Cork Airport the other week who saw our KLM Hopper land and taxi up to the jetty* and as we readied ourselves to board got an email to say our flight was cancelled. It didn’t matter a whole pile to me, I was supposed to be meeting my colleagues for an SLT meeting so I just used Teams to be in the room over the couple of days, but there was heartbreak for some who were on their own coin.
But definitely put in a claim as you are entitled to it and you have been put out. You’ll get a nice few pound :wink:

What’s an SLT meeting pal?

Take it to the annoying office jargon thread.

Speech and language therapy


Something beneath the likes of your good self.

Strategic leadership team




Congrats pal. You never said

My people are modest. Was actually heading to Warsaw when the flight out was cancelled. Was heading to Łódź later in the week so you’d be thankful for small mercies. Due to go back there in late June :hot_face:

Does the promotion allow you to fly point to point now or will you have to get the train from Vienna again to save 20 quid on the air fare?


No promotion, have been on the SLT of the account for a few years now.

I wouldn’t get that train again, lesson learned. But I would catch a coach for around €11 to get from Vienna to Bratislava no bother. I’ve seen colleagues getting taxi’s or going back into town to catch a train - waste of time and money. That’s not being frugal, it’s just working smart.

A glamorous assignment:


There are some grim places in Engerland

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At least there’s no litter

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get the boat from vienna to bratislava, a lovely way to spend a summer morning on the company;s dime

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Go to the Swan and Helmet. A fine pub.