Please log all instances of international business travel on this thread.
Cause the pin monkeys want to feel important
Great idea for a thread.
Just back from a networking trip to New York for St. Patty’s Day, well worth making the effort as the Irish connection really opens a lot of doors around this time of year. This year’s trip was all about saying ‘we’re back’. We’ve done the bail out, we’ve taken our medicine, we’ve trimmed our cost base and we’re ready to work.
I look forward to logging many trips here and offering tips over the coming months and years.
I’m off to London again tomorrow to conduct some important business. I’m returning on Friday afternoon and, all going well, I’ll be safely ensconced in The 51 by 6.15pm for TFK AFC pre-season night out and the Ireland game in Sweden. Looking forward to swapping some stories with briantinnion.
Looking forward to it pal. My housemate probably won’t be about so I will be able to focus my time 100% on you, Farmer, Cesc4 and whoever else may be there.
The bit about the 51 is inappropriate to a thread about International Business and should be deleted. It screams domestic or even local business.
That’s correct Fagan. It’s certainly not fitting for a thread trying to justify its official status - a status that may have been conferred a little too hastily.
Bullshit. That’s merely where I’m headed upon my return from international business.
I fear novice International Business traveller Bandage may have run out of ripping International Business travelling yarns already.
How dare you try to belittle me, Fagan ODowd.
Do try to stay on topic Bandage.
You have deviated from the topic, Fagan ODowd. I’m so angry with you right now.
Signing in. I’m over and back to London 3 or 4 times a month for business purposes.
Bandage mate, I hope you avail of the excellent London City Airport for your trips. I can get from the plane to central London in under 30mins. Even quicker if my destination is Canary Wharf.
Even considering to fly in to any other London airport is now beneath me.
[quote=“Phil Leotardo, post: 750357, member: 197”]Signing in. I’m over and back to London 3 or 4 times a month for business purposes.
Bandage mate, I hope you avail of the excellent London City Airport for your trips. I can get from the plane to central London in under 30mins. Even quicker if my destination is Canary Wharf.
Even considering to fly in to any other London airport is now beneath me.[/quote]
Jaysus. Another innocent. A genuine business traveller, intent on getting to a destination in the City and actually doing a bit of business will choose Stansted every time. Ryanair get the planes down every time. A boast I’m afraid that Cityjet can’t match.
Will be heading back to Tuamgraney on Friday to talk to an English hippy fella and his Dutch girlfriend about swapping a couple of Lurchers for a piebald Cob.
I’ll report back on Friday night as to how the transaction transpired, though my years of experience in international commerce will I’m sure stand me in good stead in dealing with the cultural subtleties involved in these kinds of transaction.
Are you a Butcher by any chance HHDDL?
Will you be taking the “red eye” Bandage, in an effort to maximise your business days on both sides of the Irish sea?
I assume you will not be drinking alcohol in the 51? And stay away from the peanuts too… If you must have a drink go G&T.