TFK NFL Survivor

The TFK NFL Survivor Pool is now open for 2014.

Thanks to @cluaindiuic[/USER] for his help, and to [USER=109]@Mac who would have helped had his every suggestion not been overruled by cluaindiuic.

It’s the same format is the EPL survivor. Pick a team, don’t let them lose, or tie. If they do you’re gone. You can only pick each team once.

Join here:

Any problems let me know.

Fuck you @Mac

Where’s the other thread gone ye cunts

I’m going to walk this

Almost 20 in the pool already. Good start.
Keep them entries coming.

Here is the match coupon for the first set of games to give you a sense of who are favoured.

Great work @cluaindiuic[/USER], [USER=109]@Mac[/USER], [USER=1]@Rocko.


[QUOTE=“cluaindiuic, post: 1010278, member: 258”]Almost 20 in the pool already. Good start.
Keep them entries coming.

Here is the match coupon for the first set of games to give you a sense of who are favoured.[/QUOTE]
Outstanding stuff:clap:
There could well be a commissioner job becoming available in the not too distant future. You will be kept in mind

Any chance a pickem too?

% Chance of a win projected for the first 10 weeks:
Plot your path…

Ask CLD about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Pickem sucks. There I said it.

Good spread of picks so far in this. 9 different teams chosen by 22 players. 26 have registered in total - @Midshipman Asha[/USER], [USER=322]@NJ Cat[/USER], [USER=348]@count of monte cristo[/USER] and [USER=306]@croppy_boy all yet to pick.

Also what the fuck is @Bartosz Bereszynskiego[/USER] problem. Why hasn’t he entered this? ([USER=193]@balbec Am I right that using the -ego suffix negates the requirement for an apostrophe?)

On the Pickem question - it’s a bit late to start it now for this week but we could start it from next week. @Mac[/USER] was in the middle of setting it up when [USER=258]@cluaindiuic overruled him and Mac oddly complied meekly. If there’s interest sufficient I’m sure Mac won’t mind reinstating it from next week.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1011177, member: 1”]Good spread of picks so far in this. 9 different teams chosen by 22 players. 26 have registered in total - @Midshipman Asha[/USER], [USER=322]@NJ Cat[/USER], [USER=348]@count of monte cristo[/USER] and [USER=306]@croppy_boy all yet to pick.

Also what the fuck is @Bartosz Bereszynskiego[/USER] problem. Why hasn’t he entered this? ([USER=193]@balbec Am I right that using the -ego suffix negates the requirement for an apostrophe?)

On the Pickem question - it’s a bit late to start it now for this week but we could start it from next week. @Mac[/USER] was in the middle of setting it up when [USER=258]@cluaindiuic overruled him and Mac oddly complied meekly. If there’s interest sufficient I’m sure Mac won’t mind reinstating it from next week.[/QUOTE]

Its common for us Wexford men to bow down to Kilkenny orders. I was just following suit. First weeks fixtures are already set up if you want to push them live.

I picked the 69ers

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1010079, member: 1”]The TFK NFL Survivor Pool is now open for 2014.

Thanks to @cluaindiuic[/USER] for his help, and to [USER=109]@Mac who would have helped had his every suggestion not been overruled by cluaindiuic.

It’s the same format is the EPL survivor. Pick a team, don’t let them lose, or tie. If they do you’re gone. You can only pick each team once.

Join here:

Any problems let me know.[/QUOTE]
Yea you made shit of tfk

Story with the pickem?

Any word on pickem?

Talk to @Mac.

There’s multiple “Calling Mac” threads yet these cunts come in here asking about pickem. Fuck off.

What’s going on with pickem this year?