I wrote a bit about this last January
The Irish media are inevitably giving these cunts a big leg up because they’re desperate for clicks, ratings and reaction
Look at how Casey suddenly dominated the narrative by just saying hateful things
It’s that easy
Nobody has ever found a way to out debate fascism because fascism isn’t there to debate
Nobody has ever found a way to defeat fascism when it spreads - except through war or an attritional, decades long endurance, waiting for fascist regimes to collapse in on themselves after decades of oppression
Fergal Keane’s carry on last week was disgraceful - openly directly appealing to an actual neo-Nazi to go on RTE Drivetime - and that saddens me because I like Seascapes - he should stick to that
One thing you don’t do is hand these scum a platform on peak national radio
And hosts can never deal with their propaganda - they’re always unprepared and a pushover
Appalling stuff by Keane, deeply irresponsible
Make no mistake - these scumbags are in this for the long haul - and they are every bit as bad as ISIS and worse in what they seek