TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

When did you become far right yourself? Was it a gradual thing or overnight decision?


The name calling starts.

He became jealous of Ewan.

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You’ve advocated Ireland leaving the EU on here lots of times. Was that when you became far right?

I’d leave the e.u if the Germans and Dutch etc keep going the far right route.

The Germans have disgraced themselves in recent times.

Our very own Nigel Farage.

Why are you far right ?


You’ve been far right for years it seems.


Eye-opener here the last few weeks. Appreciate some lads and multiple accounts are hopping balls, but fuck me. Thought there were smarter fellas on here.

Saying that, the people who pissed their pants with the COVID theatre seem to be the ones in favour of ignoring all happenings and not getting that 10% of migrant crime is being reported (grudgingly) and doesn’t know anyone in Cavan.

Some of these people washed their shopping bags a few years ago though, so that possibly shows the lack of intellectual strength/spirit.


Andre Tate, Russel Brand, Donald Trump, Conor McGregor, the far right sure do love a good rapist to fawn over


You obviously don’t grasp that there has to be caricatures/Trojan horses to go against the MSM message which is relentless (and paid for). Talk to teachers en masse in Ireland. 7/10 would agree with the Burke chap. They can’t say that though.

That motley crew you mention don’t influence minds, they influence volume of voice.


Judge Barf O’Kavanaugh was a hero to the freaks on here.

Each and everyone of the comical Ali’s who are happy the way things are going have no emotional or family connection to the country once they die. That’s telling enough…

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The chap who is calling other people “Comical Alis” thinks 70% of teachers support Enoch Burke.

Yet again we see why satire can’t compete with the absurd reality of what our resident freaks believe.


Girls are girls and boys are boys. Let them behave in a way that floats their boat when they are an adult.

Castrating kids/self-mutilation and denying them their right to develop because of psychosis and mass contagion is fundamentally evil and will be proven so in time. It’s the lobotomy of the modern age.

If you live your life by Californian politics that doesn’t auger well for you or anyone you try to influence.


You and your ilk are utterly obsessed with children’s genitalia because you take your politics straight out of Alabama.

If you hate Ireland so much, and you clearly do, you’d be as well to fuck off out of it and join your QAnon fellow travellers over in the Fox News hellscape you so clearly crave to live in.

Ok. Thanks.

You should thank me for telling you the truth about your utterly deranged opinions if you have even a faint notion of existing within a normal, civilised society.

What sort of man is obsessed with children’s genitalia as you are?

Think you’ve had enough internet for yourself today big man.