TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

They’ve made a total balls of it. And the NHS never got that 350 mil a day extra either!

Where are they getting all the tents from?

they are supplied by volunteers aghast at their plight

Probably to do with having some grasp of English too, you’d imagine

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The plight of travelling from Belfast to Mount Street in a bus?

Who’s providing the tents to the lads along the canal?

outreach volunteers

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@MountLeinster has had a busy few days

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It’s criminal to see brand new tents being disposed of like that.
That kind of thing really gets my goat…

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ok, criminal seems a bit ott

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There’s plenty of needy people could make good use of those tents.
Take Palestine or Africa for instance.

All tents made from recycleable materials I’m told :clap: :clap:

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I doubt the tarp (if that’s the right word) would be recyclable.

Even if it was, that doesn’t make it right.

Whats the carbon footprint of these IPAs getting half way across the world to here? Using plastic bottles, plastic tents, littering, all appear to have iphones. Not very environmentally friendly

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Fackin’ asylum seekers, comin’ over ‘ere and savin’ the lives of our women who have been thrown into rivers by white Irish men.

So the government (IPAS) give them the tents and then the government pulls down the tents.

The circular economy at work. All on the taxpayer dime.


Buy local pal

Graffiti in Waterford.

Solidarity with Jamesie Brennan and Shane Aherne.

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