TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

What legitimate questions are being asked here? The world is a big, big place and people have always moved around. The Irish have always moved around. Whole continents are now populated by people of European origin.

These demonstrators exist in a fantasy world of la la. The Ireland of the future will be multi-racial and multi-cultural. That’s the way the world works. Get used to it.

People have a right to claim asylum. It’s one of the rights which is supposed to separate civilisation from barbarity. The people who shout about asylum seekers should just be up front that they want to end the right to asylum.

What they also want are mass deportations and genocide. Mentally, these people are living on Pluto.

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The whole country would like to know that but it appears there is no plan.

You have to admire her Christian values.

You could quite easily look it up and read it of you wanted to.

The fascist demonstrators demand Coolock be renamed Coolockkk.

Ewan is one of the greatest cunts in operation today but I agree with the tenor of what he is saying here

Ewan has one tweet which he has repackaged about 100,000 times at this stage. He has nothing to contribute to anything because he a click-seeking, race baiting troll and no more. That’s why he’s no longer employed and never will be again. Because everybody now knows he’s just a pound shop armchair Enoch Powell.

He doesn’t speak in the way normal people speak. None of these racist gobshites do. They only have the ability to speak in internetish, which is a mixture of sarcasm, abuse, emojis, shit logic and absurd leaps so far that Mike Powell would be proud.

I think it’s fascinating to observe how internet fascism is actually changing the way these people speak and write. They’ve become like robots, like zombies, mashed clumps of brain cells mindlessly reciting buzzwords and slogans.

I agree with all that.


  1. There is an Irish elite class who are smug. I agree
  2. sticking huge amount of migrants into a disused factory/hotels in under-resourced area they aren’t wanted in isn’t a good idea on any level emergency or not. I agree
  3. It will result in societal division. I agree
  4. Crime. I disagree - racist trope.
  5. Riot policing it through - that’s required at this stage but mainly as they didn’t educate people and put enough resources into explaining what’s happening.
  6. Government and establishment look down on the likes of coolock and don’t engage. I agree
  7. There is a huge classist element in Irish society and always has been. This is especially targeted against working class dubs. I agree (even though a lot of them are painful opinionated cunts)

They aren’t “wanted” in any area.

A disused factory that isn’t employing anyone and isn’t accommodating anyone is very low on the disruptive scale.

Coolock may be under resourced in some respects but most of the usual arguments about a lack of facilities don’t really apply. There are good transport connections, plenty of retail in the area.

The plans have been in place for a long time with plenty of consultation and communication. None of which matters to any thugs rioting about migrants.


Maybe at this stage they should exclusively put them in middle class areas just for the social cohesion element. Would cut the legs out of that argument and they would be far less likely to riot. Win win.

Nobody ever names names. That would require actual putting your money where your mouth is. Smugness isn’t exactly a killer barb either.

Ewan is as smug as they come, as are all of these anti-immigrant gobshites. Smug in their pettiness, smug in their ignorance, smug in their cowardice.

It’s called an emergency. It literally says it on the tin. Emergency accommodation. Meanwhile there are actual racist gobshites going around Coolock asking why Irish families aren’t being housed in Crown Paints because apparently “these immigrants get the best of everything”. Or something like that.

The only people pushing societal division are the fascists. You say “we should give in to the fascists because otherwise they’ll cause societal division”. When has giving in to fascists ever resulted in less societal division being caused by fascists?

The Gardai have stood off these fascists since the start. Result: emboldened fascists, lots of arson, lots of vicious attacks on asylum seekers and other immigrants.

What we’ve been having in Coolock are racist riots. You think that should be policed with kid gloves? The appropriate response is to crack heads.

That’s an empty, Ewanesque statement of opinion. There is no engagement that will appease fascists. They are hell bent on nihilism.

Ewan MacKenna is one of the biggest haters of working class Dubliners there is. The people leading these demonstrations are not working class. They are nihilist fascists. The class of anybody uttering hateful views is irrelevant. You don’t get a pass if you’re working class if you’re a racist cunt.

What you seem to be looking for here is a stifling and censorious political correctness which will protect hateful opinions and hateful people.

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Choco goes loco

I don’t even know what hes trying to say?

After defending Mary Lou for the last two years, I’m now with Choco…she needs to go.

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Mary Lou is a spineless jellyfish. After the riots in Dublin last November I made this point.

Sinn Fein got off the fence alright. They picked appeasement of the far right. And the “if I was English I’d vote Farage” far right types deserted them anyway. Now their left aligned support will start to desert them in droves too because Mary Lou’s (doomed) appeasement of the far right is just too obvious. Their candidates will get relentlessly abused by the far right on the General Election campaign trail, and they’ll lose some of their core left-wing support.

A political pivot worthy of the dumbest and most spineless of US Democratic party political pivots.

Coolock fascists demand asbestos fire to improve the lives of Coolock residents.

This is the third time this place has been set on fire in the last four days. Drew Harris has to resign.

You’re discreetly pushing a fascist agenda for months you cunt


Carrick. He was in the same year as me in college. Absolute wanker.


This drug dealing Nazi shit got over 1,000 votes in the Artane-Whitehall ward in the local elections. Find his voters, and you’ve identified the problem.