TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Arresting rioters is an excellent way to prevent riots

So is delaying naming them if theyre foreign. It’s a twin track approach. Both have the added bonus of driving the headbangers mental

They learnt their lesson after the Prawo Jazdy debacle

Do they? Or do you just assume that? How would you know that?

We only know this Noel Ryan fella’s name now, three days later. Is that a delay in naming?

Arresting rioters by definition means these people have already rioted. You can’t prevent riots without arresting people who haven’t yet rioted. Then yis’d be moaning that people were being arrested for doing nothing and that the place had turned into a “police state” or some such.


I kind of assume it. Would make sense to me. Happy to be proved either wrong or right if anyone can prove it. Would be one for that dannycare fella on twitter.

I’m amazed that man from Tipperary agreed to be filmed for the programme. I’d fear what the headbangers will do to him yet.

It’s not up to anybody else to disprove anything, it’s up to you to prove it. So far all you have is a baseless “assumption” which is informed by a particular bias.

No it’s not ‘up to me’ there’s about 5 of us here shooting the breeze talking shite under anonymous names. Id be interested to hear whether it is fact or a myth but it’s not going to keep me awake at night either

Leave them off, they are seething at the outcome. The working theory amongst the headbangers was this was a fakeugee because the car was found in the general vicinity of the IPAS office.

A Stratford upon Avon man circa 1600 couldn’t do irony anything like that final sentence !

If you make a claim it’s up to you to prove it, if you can’t it’s baseless.

I’ll make sure to use Harvard referencing next time

Funny how none of them have mentioned that case in France where yer man drugged his wife and got a load of men in to rape her as she was unconscious.

The impression the anti-immigrant types like to give is they have a deep concern for white French women, yet not a peep out them about this very high profile case. Can’t think why.

I just want everyone to be policed equally. And a good bit tougher, if I’m honest.

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Right wing headbangers 23/9/2024 - name this cunt straight away
Right wing headbangers 26/9/2024 - why is his name released so quick (despite the fact that he’s appeared in court)?


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I presume there will be riots over this by the PROTECT WOMEN™ headbangers or do riots only happen when white racists see an opportunity to whip up hatred against people who don’t look like them?