That commedy programme on rte2

what a load of self congratulating tripe
tommy tiernan - what a cunt

I thought the stuff they showed of Tiernan there was deadly. I saw him live once and I thought he was shite.

Still well better than most other Irish ‘comedians’ such as those Byrne fuckos and Dara ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAH’ O’Briain…

PS - it was on RTE 1

Lethal Weapon 4 on Rte 2. Its better than the Algarve Cup.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I thought the stuff they showed of Tiernan there was deadly. I saw him live once and I thought he was shite.

Still well better than most other Irish ‘comedians’ such as those Byrne fuckos and Dara ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAH’ O’Briain…

PS - it was on RTE 1[/quote]

my mistake

O’Briain is decent. One comedian is head and shoulders above the rest…

Dylan Moran.

[quote=“Flano”]O’Briain is decent. One comedian is head and shoulders above the rest…

Dylan Moran.[/quote]

i agree - not only is he not detestable like the rest of them he is quite good

What programme was this?

the rise of Irish comedy with col meeney or something to that affect

Spot on, Dylan Moran is different gravy. Only ever see him on Black Books but he beats the piss out of the rest of them. I don’t find Tiernan funny at all really.

Black books is class.
I liked Tommy Tiernans 1st DVD.
And that’s about it. I really hate Ed Byrne, Jason Byrne and Deirdre O’Kane.

Agree on Moran as well. I used to like Tiernan but when I saw him live that time he was horrendously bad.

Actually Pat Shortt on his day is better than Moran. The D’unbelievables sketch on the local guards (Crimerbusters) is the funniest sketch I have ever seen to be honest. Then he sold out for that Killnascully rubbish…

No fan of Deirdre O Kane, but she’d get it.

Deirdre O’Kane is married to a comedy promoter who used to do 90% of comedy promotions in this country as far as I know. Caused loads of bickering back in the day. She is utterly shite though - decent enough comic actress though, well at least she was excellent in Paths to Freedom.

Dylan Moran is streets ahead of the other Irish comedians.

Now THAT explains a lot.