That missed 65 call (& the 18 wides)


Giftwrapped an All Ireland for Tipp


Sliding doors…


Tipp men are a fascinating bunch. Being from Monaghan I didn’t meet them until later in life but now I’ve many Tipp friends. In person I’ve always found them to be really sound and very funny. I would far prefer their company to the KK lads and that’s why I was supporting them today.

However there’s obviously something up with how all their neighbours despise them so much.

And I see a thread like this and the Tipp men obviously have problems.


Really? They are funny alright. Funny peculiar

Know plenty of em. Vast majority have some serious quareness in em. Mightnt be obvious immediately but…tick tock tick tock


Did you have to ask Pat Fox to mind your pint while you one fingered that one out? :rofl:

I heard Liam Sheedy is great mates with Prince Andrew, visits him regular enough



It may be an inferiority complex. Comes very apparent on days like today.

They should be able to celebrate their own bit of success, but they just cannot enjoy it.

Curly , Larry and Moe are on form tonight.

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… A small talking point at the end of a day when Limk got some azy calls, made some insane decisions and let themselves go 9 points behind.

Lookit, it was a good year for Limerick (2 trophies) but we got bet by the Big 3. Sin Ă©. See ye next year.

In fairness it was a poor AI final, but thats still no excuse for the want thats come from @carryharry the Tipp football man that doesnt attend games. Enjoy your victory with your daughters and log off for the evening, kid.

Incorrect, but anyway…

bizaare comment


Glad you’re in agreement with the rest of the post, mate.

I hate the puerile divisive imaginary differences and rivalries that one parish, county or province invents about their rivals. There’s no need and no justification for any of it, except where tyrone are concerned of course.

But if either Derry or Monaghan won the AI neither of us in a million years would post about Tyrone because we wouldn’t give the cunts the satisfaction of letting them know we were thinking about them.

He’s a dangerous cunt that fella. Who ever talks about daughters? Ever?

You don’t know Derry folk.

You’ve let yourself down badly here

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