That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

God be with the days.

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They’re fucked. A couple of workers have taken cases to the courts that they’ll likely win which means there’ll be a load of fines/back payments. They’ve also shat the pot and put a load of freelancers on fulltime contracts now which will further fuck them.

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Mary Wilson just there on Morning Ireland:
“Tell us all about these Panama Papers that outline tax avoidance and Ireland’s part in this Colm?”
“We’ll they are called the Pandora Papers Mary…”


Guardian hack Luke Harding : ‘Well he’s actually dead’ ha ha ha ha
Claire ‘sniggers ha ha’

speaking about a proxy for Putins Panama structures.

what the actual?


I’m always surprised when you hear well known print journalists on the radio and they can hardly string a sentence together. Colm Keena was terrible in that piece.

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Claire is cool with laughing about the deaths of people if they are friends of RTE’s cultural enemies


Be more in his line to raise questions about how the migrants are being treated on the Belarus border.

his? Anna?

Let’s just say the record of the current Polish government as regards the telling of the real history of what went on during the Nazi era isn’t all that it might be.

And neither is its record on press or judicial freedom.

And neither is its record on how Nazi-era history pertains to today.

If you’re using the current Polish government as an example of “defending freedom”, you have a serious problem understanding not just history but the present.

Who said this?

@Lazarus did the other night with no pushback here and it’s a wide “talking point” used by the “Covid is a cod” mob.

Anybody who enlists the Polish government and Viktor Orban etc. as examples to follow has a big problem with understanding both history and contemporary politics.

Who did that? Where? Surely they weren’t serious?? :eek:

Are you sure it wasnt that they were using dead people’s names and identities on accounts?

eh no. some guy who worked as a mere butcher only drove a Toyota and flew economy (all of which was sneered at too) was appearing on documents, he only died recently which was the source of amusement to Claire and the guardian hack she was sycophantically subservient to.

Definitely one for the schadenfreude thread


They’ll find some other vehicle to fit Darcy into that no one will watch and justify the 400k salary

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