That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

He was paid what he was contracted, but would also surely have been well aware that the amount listed on the top 10 earnings each year would have been incorrect

Did Tubridy do anything wrong here though?

The reporting infers he was paid more then he was due.


Whatever about this or that, the orginal agreement where the partner paid Tubridy directly was clearly setup to get around reporting it as part of Tubridys salary. It was a deliberate attempt to defraud a semi state company of €75k and pay it directly to Tubridy.
What Tubridys requirements in this respect are would be a bit grey, but RTE were clearly way out of line

Thank God I only pay the licence once every 5 years

He was paid more than RTE declared he was.

Tubridy would have known this. What his obligation on that is, is again grey.

But he was going around the place telling everyone how to behave during Covid. He himself should be whiter than the snorted snow.

The original agreement was clearly to get more money for Tubs and not alert the public, effectively diverting sponsorship money for the tax payer into his pocket


I’d him up as a celeb death to be a few days before it was announced he was dead. A tense few days for myself. And the Byrne family.


Was Ryan hiding income to save on paternity costs?

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Jesus, if my financial affairs over my lifetime became public knowledge I’d be the most hated man on TFK, or the most loved depending on who was judging :joy:

These lads wouldn’t cross the road at a red man :man_shrugging:

When will Tubs play the stress/mental health card

“The passing of my good friend Christy Dignam has put life in perspective. This circus, not if my creation, is not good for my mental health, can everyone just give me and my family some space”


How does that work?

Who was the commercial partner? Renault?

You live in the middle of nowhere and answer your door to nobody

If it’s paid one year the bill is posted directly the next year.
Wouldn’t the amount owed accumulate?

A lot of good old fashioned Irish begrudgery here.

Fair play to Tubs. Great to see a fella getting paid his due for what he does.

We can smell a wrong ‘un a mile away.

Or a sly payment after a night with Conor McGregor in Sandyford???



‘The Barter Account’ seems to be an accounting vehicle used by RTE to operate a slush fund.
Issuing credit notes and assorted other 3 card tricks makes it seem more like a back street bookies.

There was a bookies in Longford years ago where I thought he had 3/4 lads on permanent standby duty to run across the road to lay off a suspect punt…

Cowboys Ted……

This ia obviously a fiddle intended to mislead everyone. Tubridy had to be well aware what was going on, so the preachy cunt has to go.


I hope that Creedon bollocks get caught up in this.

In fact they should sack him just in case