That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

John would never get caught up in something like this. He is a man of integrity.


I’d be surprised if John was paid at all - he’d do it for the love of it


I know it’s a joke but I’d sort of hope Enda wasn’t paid anything for that series. I think he’s doing well enough with his pension(s).

I for one welcome Marty (Whelan not Morrissey) taking on the post Morning Ireland slot on Radio 1.

Fintan Tool’s finest hour

Huh? The man deserved to be compensated for his time.

What was all that about Ronan Collins’ big tearful goodbye from his one hour slot on RTE One and then he turns up for three hours on RTE Gold two months later? So much for bringing on new talent. Closed shop.

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A great bit of TV, he earned his crust

Russell Crowe will come out to Bat for tubs first

He would want to come togged.



I was thinking the €378,000 lump sum and pension of €128,900 a year when he finished up as Taoiseach might be enough to keep him going, does he really need to be paid by RTE for going on a jolly around the country?

Rubby ligind Mick Galwey in attendance at one of Tubs gigs. He really is the turd that won’t flush…


He performed a service and deserved to be compensated for same. His pension and the lump sum were payment for his exceptional service to the state.

One of these things is not like the other.

Cork haven’t been shown at all yet either.

We wouldn’t be ones to complain so we wouldn’t

On TV or on GAA Go?

On TV.

I still can’t believe the wages Tubs, Duffy, D’Arcy, O’COnnor are on per week. Any other European countries pay these kinds of salaries? Belgium or Netherlands or Denmark. Smaller countries etc…
This is where our taxes go rather than to hospitals.