That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Ah he’s definitely in the ‘bit of a cunt’ category for most people I talk to. There’s nothing particularly likeable about and he’s not known as being good at his main job the LLS. The main positive I hear about him is he’s good on the toy show, which is he is very good at in fairness. People in RTE seem to be absolutely seething with him when it seems to me he has done fuck all if anything really wrong. That wouldn’t scream popularity to me

He’s not popular on here but the usual suspects on this forum have proven over and over and over again that they’re a very poor gauge of public opinion.

In my view the main reason you’ve called him smug there is because he went to Blackrock College and comes from South Dublin. While at times I detect a slight coldness and insincerity in Tubridy, in fairness its difficult to go through a career without displaying these things, especially in this increasingly mindless information environment. And I don’t think there’s anything especially smug about him compared to most other television presenters. Smugness tends to be built into most broadcasters. The ones who don’t have it stand out, like Derek Davis. Confidence is a pre-requisite to be a broadcaster and the line between confidence and smugness is often blurry.

Gay Byrne and Pat Kenny could be very smug. Terry Wogan was smug. Gerry Ryan was King Smug.

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Do you honestly think he’s popular among your friends or peers say?

Not too many liked them either but Gaybo and Kenny were good at their jobs.

I think that’s key. Gay definitely wasn’t well liked by a huge cohort but almost all agreed he was very good. Pat Kenny was a laughing stock outside of the ‘serious stuff’ but was generally felt to be decent at that.
I know it’s sport but someone like Bill o herlihy was generally seen to be excellent so it’s not just blanket abuse for tv presenters. Generally if you are good you get the credit.
I can’t really think what tubridy offers even if I wouldn’t hate him by any stretch.


Friend of the Forum Keith Walsh on The Tonight Show now debating Ryan Tubridy and the current RTÉ debacle. You’d wonder how he keeps getting gigs like that.


Tubridy forgot where the character ended and the man began. He got caught up in all his green jersey, Mother Theresa the Musical bullshit and left out the part about the money.

To paraphrase Hulk Hogan, he worked hinself into a shoot.

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If the fall out of this is some vehicle to drive Keith Walsh forward on our national broadcaster, I’d be fully behind a new 8 year deal for Tubs Todd Boehly style.

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How convenient

Remember this and tubridy refused to wear a muzzle. He was above all that.


Ah that was absolutely incredible


It highlights exactly the type of ego maniac tubridy is.

I remember him on one morning him saying his kids were embarrassed to go out in public with him because so many people would stop him up and thank him for getting them through the pandemic.

He’s a total cunt. Hopefully he’s hounded like him and his mates hounded Phil hogan until he lost his job.


I haven’t watched the LLS in donkeys years. I used to watch it with the grandparents back in the day. As I got older and started going out I always missed it.
I definitely haven’t ever watched an episode since Tubrity started doing it. I just can’t take to him and think he is a bit of a knob.
Of course I have seen bits and pieces over the years but the guests seem to be b and c rate compared to back in the day. Maybe that’s harsh, and Brendan ocarroll seemed to on it a couple of times a season a few years back.

I tried to watch the toy show last Christmas with herself. But just the head on him and prancing about made me go away from it. Plus it didn’t seem to be too much about the toys the bit I saw but more the kids and acting up, Then again maybe it was always like that but I was younger and able to put up with it,

I have never heard Tubrity on the radio. I didn’t even know he had a show. I thought it was just the LLS show he was doing and a few other tv gigs.


I was moved to comment on Tubridy’s radio show a couple of years ago.


Great stuff

Weren’t you incredibly worked up over A few Limerick players singing Sean out of garryowen in the dressing room after an all Ireland final?

I’m old enough to remember when Gaybo thought he was a titan of the broadcasting industry and on a par with Johnny Carson and took himself off to Philadelphia one summer to launch his US broadcasting career and landed back with his tale between his legs three months later.


I never heard of that.
Was he going over there specifically to try and get a gig or was he just chancing his arm to see what came up for him?

:see_no_evil: :grinning:

I think he had a gig on some Philadelphia station and he didn’t work out.