That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

RTE guy was saying we cannot compare RTE funding to BBC because of population
Never heard that when they were lashing out BBC wages for utter dross


computer rage GIF

Probably the going rate for a photographer? A wedding photographer would charge 1500 a pop or more

I’d need more than 80k a year to have to go on the Fair City set for my job.

@artfoley was sucked in by the total contract figure

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RTE are broke, the photos only go in RTE guide and on the RTE website. im sure they have other photographers on staff

The RTÉ archive must be maintained.

Car allowances FFS.
Better off asking if they have fuel cards

It’s actually only 60k per annum for the 16 weekly photos.

60k for 20 hours/ 3 days a week. Most photographers would be lucky to make that in a year. With that gig they could still run the rest of their business full time.

Yeah but they physically can’t overstate how important it is. It’s actually a bargain

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Presume he think’s Louise is Joe’s daughter or something.

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Youngsters and their records

Claire Byrne off again today. She’s just taking the piss at this stage.

Careful mate.

Is her shed flooded with all the rain?

Off again. Does she ever work?? Or, or she’s at the Ploughing, selling sheds…

I’d say she’s a fair woman to sell

What’s O’Leary’s issue with the Louise Duffy show???