That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

She nearly burned the bridge there but drew back.

Was channel surfing last night and switched on BBC World News. Catriona Perry was presenting. She’s the new Kitty Kay / Laura Trevelyan.

Ill keep an eye out on hotel tv when on my next business trip

Has she given up the singing?

How would this happen?

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Ever hear of the internet?

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As I don’t reside on the aul sod, I was watching Virgin Media news there. Seems very tabloidy, a good few British news stories and random American ones. Surely there’s enough happening around Ireland to have some kind of regional report. Fairly shite.

They’re aligned with ITV so get stuff cheap off them. They don’t get any of the license fee as far as I know so must work cheaply. I rarely watch it because of the continuous adds. Only the odd match.

That’s what I guessed, they must just recycle stuff from UK and some international stories. The US correspondent was an English fella too, so they obviously can’t afford to be around Ireland. Though RTE news is the same auld shite as well.

Granada Productions (essentially the NW of England’s ITV franchisee) owned nearly half of TV3 back in the day.

VM1’s owners now are Liberty Global who have a small stake in ITV.

They (or production companies making content for them) get some through a funding scheme (Sound and Vision) to make specific programmes.

But their overall budget is much smaller than RTÉ’s. They are allowed to show more ads per hour but their ads are also cheaper.

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It was only a filler-in in case the Gaelic went to extra time.

The raw impact of a change in RTÉ scheduling due to GAA extra time being played out on our screens right now. :grimacing:

What are you on about?

They had some “comedy” sketch show on RTÉ 2 before TSG, there was meant to be some GAA + revolution years documentary on, which I had flicked over for, but I guess got canned due to the change in schedule.

Anyways, the sketch show was utter garbage, as low as your expectations of RTÉ sketch shows always are, they still find ways of exceeding those expectations.

A great country

Is this funding announcement linked to any reform in RTE? It doesn’t appear that anyone is happy with the news, seems like the government didn’t want to rock the boat ahead of an election.

I think they are to only purchase the second dearest flip-flops going forward

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