That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Too much cork for the athletics. Sonia has to be there and adds to the coverage. Derval is alright.

Actually the problem is Heffernan. The funny walk race doesnt really count as athletics, comparing that to real track and field events is like saying darts is a sport because its on sky sports.


The coverage and analysis has been very good, maybe too many ad breaks but what can you do. :thinking:

The mad thing is they probably lose money on Olympics coverage. They had a (tiny) surplus in 2020 because there was no Euros or Olympics.

But I made the same point as yourself. This is exactly what a PSB should be. For example, we should have a full studio set up for the nationals in swimming. Make it one really good TV channel with 100% Irish content between midday and midnight. Fuck the advertisers.


Do they save money by not starting rte2+1 until 8.15pm.

Well someone has to pay for the talent.

Yeah, shame they’ve no other sources of funding.

He’s insufferable.


It’d be like having a fella on who did a bit of white collar boxing analysing the boxing.


Yesterday as I was stuck on the M50, Anna Geary standing in for Ray Darcy was interviewing Dave Fanning about the history of Irish rock. It was as bad as you could imagine. I’d say I managed 90 seconds of it before switching it off.


You missed the bit about Self Aid so.

Thank God. I was at Self Aid - I’d hate to have my memories of it bespoiled by those two gowls.

Did you make it out to the Aran Islands after?

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Going on Wednesday. I’m at a wedding in Killaloe today

That’s a grand owl :owl: break.

Yeah. Here for a week and a half this time. Usually it’s just a week in August.

Mrs ccha was only giving out about that a while ago when we were in the car.

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Vivienne Traynor seems to be keeping the place going and covering the News at One and Six One each day, do they all go on holidays for August and just put on Reeling In The Years?

Seems so

Thank you Jim

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Just need to get that McBennett lad out of sports.

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