The 6 Nations 2024

Backrow is gunning for the 10 off the scrum. The 13 is looking to sprint up and jam in. Keeping them bound and behind last feet a bit longer by SH being able to dummy gives the 9& 10 more time to work with ball in hand. Ball in hand better than in a ruck as you say.

League defense wasn’t as prominent as it in union these days. Dummy half can’t dummy from ruck in league as he just gets monstered. He can dummy and go but there’s no value to a dummy from the base.

A cute SH utilising this in union would.get the defenses more honest and more time for ball players in attack

What it would lead to is delay and pointing at fat lads from the base of every ruck imo.

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So how did it evolve into having very different playing rules to rugby union?

It evolved because union was a big spectator sport with a large paying audience. The owners were making decent coin, whilst the players were expected to come out of the pit and play for free. It basically evolved down the M62 corridor. They diverged enough from Union to make a clean break (any arbitration would of course have fallen heavily on the side of the owners)

I’m not so sure. Working time payments was what they wanted- I don’t think the concept was there for professionalism.

Grey area I suppose.
The history is interesting, and a reflection of UK (English) society of the time.

In terms of the different rules, it was the same all over. American football diverged from the same game too.

It’s largely a result of influencers and admins putting their stamps over the game.

Limited tackles in league was introduced by Bill Fallowfield. He had originally tried to make the game more like Union again as the play the ball had made League incredibly boring to watch. That was rejected so he eventually borrowed from American football.

This is a real coup by Eddie Jones. Suaali grew up playing rugby but was snagged by the NRL out of school. Shame for the Wallabies that they can’t get him before the World Cup.

If they were still there now they wouldn’t have scored a winning try v New Zealand with sexton at ten.

It’s absolutely bizarre.

What did Sexton have to do with Barrett’s knee stoping Ronan Kelleher over the line?

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Farrell seems to be a smashing manager I can’t understand how could stay looking at sexton walking along and shipping the ball on for the last ten minutes of that game.

Seemed very odd to me too, but half of the country would have called for his head in the absolute certainty that sexton would have won the game single handedly in the last ten mins, and the WC. Like Roy Keane in Saipan.

He fucked up massively v New Zealand. Huge
Black mark and taking the lions gig.

Ah I don’t think they would in fairness. Although there is a bit of an obsession with sexton in some quarters. Great player but a shade overrated I think.

Pretty much all the lads across the internet convinced that Crowley would have come on and unpicked the All Blacks defence are from Munster. Odd that.


Ian mcgeechan came to some Leinster rugby due post World Cup and said in his speech it was a massive mistake by Andy Farrell not to bring on Crowley.

It was greeted by complete silence.

Even know a lot of Leinster can’t just accept it was a huge mistake.

I’d have been more useful than sexton in those last ten minutes. He could barely walk. Was standing deep and just lobbing the ball side to side.

I was surprised to learn this was starting this weekend… Very quiet build up? Where are Ireland at ? It’s usually the two years before the world cup where they are flying it, is the the year just after a down year ?

Are you kidding? There’s folk still incandescent about BOD being dropped by the lions who went on to win. There’s plenty think oireland would have won the WC with Keane, when they actually did pretty well without him.

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A dog with a stick in its hole had more chance of breaking that New Zealand line than old man Sexton at that stage.

Unless of course they were going to move out of his way because he fucked them out of it.

I don’t think anyone is saying that. But leaving sexton on plodding around was odd. When the game looked to be gone in the last five at least roll the dice. Sexton’s missed kick goes completely uncommented on too.