The 6 Nations 2024

The Fields echoing around the stadium
I look forward to reading Gerry Thornley reference it in his reportage

Didnt New Zealand do something similar against South Africa a week or two before the World Cup. Me man was gone well before half time

Ireland are a better team without Sexton. I’ve been saying it for years


If they brought on Crowley we would have ended up in the World Cup final


Hated by referees and opposition alike. Did his teams no favours. This seriously justifies those of us who said he shoulda came on against New Zealand

And what of that time would the ball actually be in play like :joy:

He can’t have made many tackles that weren’t yellows

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Hugo Keenan is some bit of stuff

Portz has coughed up two silly penalties in our 22 in about 5 minutes


Porter off again. Penalty machine

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Barrett was fairly tardy compared to the South African fella, ‘twas almost halftime when he got his 2nd.

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Jaaaaaaaalllllliiiiiberrrrttttttttt is a great aul name for a guttural rugby commentator to get the throat around

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Some try.

Game on Ger.

Scoreboard separation has been diminished

Great time for the Frenchies to score

What a try

The game needed that

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Rugby must be the hardest game to play a man down ?

Table tennis be fair tough too


If France come back from 17 points and a man down it will set Irish rugby back generations

Tough for who?!