What sort of hedge is it?
Beautiful job. What did you plant?
Sit tight
I have the exact solution. When this shit is over get a trailer-load of farmyard dung. Fork it onto barrows and spread it generously round the bases of the hedging. Do not, repeat, do not skimp on it, fork it out “flaithulachli”. You’ll see the benefits of it quickly enough and if you don’t, the exercise will have done you good.
I’ve no idea what that is, but I reckon part of your problem is the grass growing around it. I’d cut out the grass and mulch it as per @anon67715551 's instructions.
And ease up on the slug pellets. They’re a horrible chemical product and if you have pets you don’t want them there.
That laurel is horrible for a hedge. What is the length and how high a barrier do you need?
That’s the job right there.
Go out with a flash lamp and bucket on the next soft evening when dusk falls. If it’s snail damage you’ll pick them off by the score. Could be a beetle or a wasp. If it’s snails they are hiding in the hedge. Hardly in the ground.
That’d go down well in the cul de sac
It’s Donegal you’re in, not Aylesbury Road. What harm will the smell of cowdung do, it’ll only last an hour or two. Give them a bit of a spiel and everyone will want a load.
You can then print bidness cards “Croppy Boy, Dung Agent”. Yer’ on a winner.
Should I just remove the grass immediately around i then?
Any need for a barrier between the mulch and the lawn?
I’d remove all the grass about a foot either sidenof the stems and mulch, no need for a barrier, just edge it when you’re mowing.
What vegetables should a poster be planting about now. (I’ve spuds, leeks, onions chillies and courgettes underway).
Are you growing some of them in a greenhouse or tunnel? If so tomatoes are a must.
Neither, but it’s sheltered on all sides. Might give them a go.
Be the holey