The advanced gardening thread

There’s a product called Nemaslug that I see advertised online. Mr Middleton has it.

It’s biological control using nematodes in the soil.

The brother in law told me nematodes cause liver fluke in sheep. I never researched it further. It got a bit complicated when I started reading about it. I never tried them either.

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Can this stuff be dissolved in water and spread out on the lawn using a knapsack or can I just spread it out by hand before rain and let that wash it in?

Broadcast spreader and away you go. Short term fix though. Get a scarifier and plug aerator.


It’s not for moss I have yellow patches and NPK hasn’t done the trick. A small application of iron can help green it up a bit

Dogs pissing?

That’s sulfur deficiency

No dogs around; lawn is young so maybe some frost damage over the winter

Possibly but there is sulphur in the iron sulphate so should do the trick. Mixed some in a watering can last night to test so should see some results by the weekend

If you’re going back down the npk route at some point buy a bag that is +S like 18-6-12+S or sulfacan.

A bag of granlime would be a big help too

That’s just due to bad drainage. We’ve had a lot of rain. It’ll grow green itself but put in a drainage channel before next winter if you’re overly worried about it.

I wouldn’t be overly worried about it myself.
Not worth spending money on…

Like how the absolute fuck. This is what you are up against with these cunts.

I’ve never seen so many.

What is that? Rape escaped into wild?

It’s a snail on a purple broccoli plant that’s now flowering

I’ve reached the conclusion that kale bates broccoli out the gate. Leaves all winter and endless flowers in the spring- and the slugs dont bother with it


Kale grows all year round and doesn’t bolt in the heat. I grow it all year round here even summers where it can be 35-40C. Same with chard, mustard and Asian greens like mizanu and tat soi.

Ceanothus bush in full bloom. A mighty yoke to grow and flower/blossom for 3/4 weeks….


We’ve one here as well. It will be absolutely alive with bees for the next month

And you’ll have fools like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy thinking he’s saved the planet by not cutting is 3m2 lawn for a week.


FF stooge happy to destroy the planet as he doesnt love his kids

I’ve got a fuckin Ceanothus you cunt