The advanced gardening thread


Still winter here, 29 degrees all week. So spring has sprung and everything gets a head start.
Sydney Rock Orchids (tree orchids in this case) in the native verge.


Anyone know , maybe @habanerocat how many more cuts to give the lawn before leaving it settle for the winter?

I’d say you could be cutting it into November unless we get a cold snap.


Growth is poor though this year fagan. I haven’t touched it in a fortnight and barely got two boxes out of it

Cutting the grass is advanced gardening :farmer:

We’re barely at the tail end of summer and this lazy bastard is downing tools

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Keeping a lawn is serious business.

There’s a lad up the road Mike that takes great pleasure cutting his front lawn every Christmas Day. I’m not sure what his game is. It’s just his thing. In fairness it’s a nice dry well kept lawn.

I’d cut away while you can. Work during the week, wet weekend, that’s it then. Fagan’s advice is solid. Never cut before frost or it could be curtains.

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I’ve to tidy the hedge myself. But cutting a hedge before frost can do serious damage. So I need to get the lead out or leave it.

[quote=“backinatracksuit, post:1811, topic:23851, full:true”]
Cutting the grass is advanced gardening :farmer:

Yeah. I have a lad cut it for me every week. He’s dirt cheap too. 800 notes a week

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…in advance…hence…

[quote=“iron_mike, post:1816, topic:23851, full:true”]

I ignored it the first time but I have to ask :man_shrugging:
What are you on about?

Growth has ramped up last couple of weeks