The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

I’d hope it’s “I’d like be part of an Irish team that’s gone further than O’Driscoll, O’Connell and any other other Irishman who wore the jersey”

Are these lads really likely to get paid much more abroad? Surely if that was true Sexton and O’Mahony would both recognise that they are highly unlikely to be going to the world cup in 2023 and would have gone for the last big pay cheque.
Alot of that stuff is agent nonsense, the story a few weeks ago was Ben Healy had a big offer from Glasgow and it’s announced today he has signed a 1 year deal at Munster. No professional rugby player signs a 1 year deal if he has an offer elsewhere.

Come on lads, this is the anti rugby football thread - not the reasoned discussion thread.



Jokes.aside tho look at what Kiely has done. PreAI success he has fellas competing in all.ireland club championships right who couldn’t crack back into the county team. He had his strategy, he had his structure, he had them come back into the fold and compete. But his head wasn’t turned entirely by success at the level below, he made risky calls and stuck with them


Very little fanfare to that appointment. He almost sneaked in under the radar because he was part of the system. I was a bit underwhelmed when he was announced as Joe’s successor and he hasn’t done anything to suggest otherwise so far. Not one scalp taken as of yet. Plus a bizarre loyalty to JGP and Burns.

They talk about obsessing about the WC cycle. Their WC cycle planning only kicks in about 12 months of the event.

Dead right. Lip service is all that’s given to it as actions dont reflect it.

It’s used as a stick by non-rugby fans to beat us with but if non-rugby fans can, rightly, recognise the rediculousness of it, how in the fuck after 5 world cups in the professional era can our top brass not? They’re not fools so can only be lead to believe it’s the anchor of commercial winnings that stifles them truly building with world cup the objective everything else is shaped towards

For near in 25 years, we’ve sacrificed the club game in this country for provincial success. Sacrificing the provinces for one smelly fucking semi final berth shouldn’t be too much of a stretch

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The basis for the noughties success was built on the club game. Team of us folk and SUAF supporters don’t understand that rugby was in ireland before 1995

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Nucifora should be looking at players who are bottlenecked at their province and incentivise them to move province. Scott Penny and Baird would be close to starting for Ulster. By the time of the next World Cup, them and Casey will probably have less than 10 EC starts between them.

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How many Central Contracts are there to be given out?

I’ve been calling for the ‘Giteau’ rule to be introduced for over two weeks now…

15 iirc

Nah, he’s still a bit off in my mind. For all the talk of Baird, I think Tom aherne is the dark horse here.

But I do take your point. There should definitely be a more heavy handed approach to spreading the talent among the provinces. You need look no further than who is Leinsters starting 7 if all fit for clear example.

With Sean obrien only just gone, you’ve vdf, Connors, Penney all competing for what is, for a long term ignored in Ireland, a very specialist position. Leavy arguably is built to be a better 7 than 6 but because of competition and his brilliance is seen as a 6 so not added into that conundrum. So you could have had 4 intl standard 7s all on books at one province. And the conveyor belt doesn’t stop; I’m sure there are more coming through the ranks who want their shot at Leinster

They’re all hugely competitive guys who’d see themselves ahead of the other. Moving to another province would be seen as a blow so they’re never going to volunteer for it. But those lads should be knocking shite out of reach other at Interpro and not training pitch if our true focus is world cup. NPC in NZ again shows the way forward here.

Jordi Murphy was Irelands 7 when they beat NZ in Chicago. He moved to Ulster and has now disappeared off the international stage entirely. Sometimes lads are better off sticking with the safe option in Dublin.

POM is done.

Irish rubby will never learn.

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Jack McGrath did the same and he’d a better claim to starting ireland jersey. Truth be told, Jordi simply had better options ahead of him and McGrath held on to his as long as he could. Neither staying at Leinster would have improved their tally of caps I don’t think as the internal competition was what forced them out

Remember when used be doing those ‘depth charts’ with about 5 ‘World class’ players for each position?

Where did it all go wrong?


None of them were world class. You were sold a pup and you lapped it up.


They were caught using click farms?


Murphy is probably as good as VDF and Penney though. Sometimes it’s better to stay playing a bit part with a dominant side than to go with the intention of proving yourself and just highlighting your shortcomings. Connors looks to have a bit about him to be fair.

No I don’t. Have a link?