The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Reading down through that thread, he has them hopping :joy:

Maybe he should have stuck with the rugby, playing for Laois was a waste of time.

And risk suffering brain damage?

That’s a tap in for ye lads

Rugby in schools is a form of child abuse, say sports experts.

Ive a brother in coaching setup.of a senior cup team. Ive sent him the atricle and informed him he is a child abuser and this generation’s version of an insidious priest.

Lovely start to the day, sets things up nicely.


Is this the fella you boxed the head off of before?

Anyone able to copy and paste article please

I didnt have it all entirely my way but yeah, thats the chap

1 Like is unreal. No need to pay subs to any newspapers or The Athletic. A digital newspaper version of IPTV.


No wonder print media is dead with this sort of attitude.


That’s a very watery response the RFU spokeswoman provided to such a serious charge in the report.

The withdrawal of insurance cover can’t be too far away.

It’s a bit meh. Academics from places like Nottingham Trent polytechnic and the like and another lad with a vested history claiming it based upon soft science, heresay and conjecture.
Fails to mention any health benefits at all, which are surely considerable.


An absolutely hilarious article in the times about the lineout. Savage detail on the difficulties of the lineout. My favourite bit is below.

From a 2017 coaching magazine, correct hand positions for a right-handed thrower are the first considerations of the hooker. Michael Jackson’s moonwalk seems less complex.

“Have ‘Gilbert’ on top [seam at two, four, six and eight o’clock]. Right hand towards back of ball, fingers over top of seam, thumb relaxed. Left hand slightly forward of right, fingers relaxed, thumb under ball. To throw, snap elbows and roll hands out. Hands are together, pointing at the target,” it instructs.

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Hilarious stuff from Rubby RĂșaidhrĂ­ from the Irish Independent on OTB last evening; he more or less said he was not very enthused by the rest of the Six Nations campaign, said the Grand Slam was more or less an inevitability for Ireland, “the best team in Europe”, and that he was more looking forward to the big test friendly matches against South Africa in the summer and New Zealand in November.

These rubby journos just can’t help themselves, denigrating the biggest competition in the sport like that.


In fairness Ireland are the only team taking the six nations seriously.


Obviously so when you see the likes of Dupont going off to play tag rugby for the first 9 months of the year

Looking forward to the November internationals, and then they will realise the southern hemisphere teams don’t give a fuck about them either.

Is it possible, that Ireland are the only country in the world taking international rugby seriously at the moment?


Why are they called the “Autumn internationals” when November is considered a Winter month, in Ireland at least?

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