The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

No proof they work
Implies you need high vis for doing normal safe activities
Connaught allow fans to park on public footpaths

Keep fighting the good fight mate


On a positive note, the performance of both sides sends out a message that Irish rugby, despite its shortcomings in the World Cup, is still in a very good place, with so many of the players from both sides being the future of the game in this country.

Brent is some rascal.

I see below that that needy fuckwit Brian mcfadden just got engaged for the fourth time.
Must be wearing thin even with the indo these days.

Watched a re run of Aus v Fra 87 rugby World Cup semi final. Was a very different type of game back then.
Seemed a lot more open in terms of running rugby and not so much ruck after ruck etc.
Some of the backs were thin but skillful.
It looked like club rugby as opposed to international. Iā€™d prefer the old style.

100%. Despite the marketing of the sport being much better today, the game itself was a way better game back then IMO, when the backs were actually normal sized men. Their skills were focused on speed and aversion rather than being a human bulldozer.

Some of the mistakes they made youā€™d never see it nowadays but it was more entertaining . No ā€œphase after phaseā€. Forwards were naturally big not so much bulked up. Lads were able to pass the ball off while being tackled .

Why in the name of fuck would anyone click that link


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Some quality fawning rubby articles in the indo over the Christmas.

Who can ever forget Leinsterā€™s win in the Millennium Stadium some year in the early 2010s.

The people of Ireland were truly united behind them.

Asked my daughter if she wanted to start playing hurling and football this year. She responded "Iā€™ll play anything except rugby " :clap:


Sponges so they are :clap:

Youā€™re a super parent.


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Horseplay is off the charts there


A people wonder why these goons run around pissing up against strangers.

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Great camaraderie on show there.