The Anti Rugby Football Thread Pt 2

Racing are great craic. Score some brilliant tries but always liable to do something completely daft at any moment.

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Rugby’s showpiece played in the grounds of a middling football Championship club.

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It was initially penned in for the Stade Velodrome in Marseilles .

When the Racing player got “turtled” (I think that’s what ci-commentator said) it was game over

Cracking final. Racings mistakes in the first 10 mins cost them


Just watched the final there. Thoroughly enjoyable game. Was hoping racing would win as they were the better side v Leinster in a final they lost

Zebo was very good but the carry on with the clock at the end was farcical

Nigel was very passive aggressive with the TMO

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This will ruin a few lads nights.



Overweight people in hideous jerseys drinking soft drinks?

Sparing use is broad term to use. I completely disagree with saffers, nz players playing for ireland regardless of ability but to say we have done it sparelying is outrageous


Lovely fudging of the numbers there by Gerry too, comparing the numbers born abroad playing for other nations to the number who qualify through residency in Ireland. Its hard to know what is more embarrassing, IRFU officials flying around the world waving money at some young lads to try convince them to throw their lot in with Ireland, or some of the absolute duds they have brought back from these excursions.

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The D4 media have been very quiet about JGP and Lowe joining the Irish squad. Luke Fitzgerald was apoplectic over Payne, Roux and Kleyn :thinking:


Theres a big difference between carbery and o gara who were born abroad and played for ireland as opposed to CJ who captained the baby boks and aki who came up to Galway. If you lived, grew up in and played underage for a country you should be qualified to play for that country. Fellas who are 19/20 already professional moving to another country then declaring for said country is bollocks


At least the these boys earn their living on the island. As opposed to some of the naturalised players of the Éire football side, who apart from playing a few matches in Dublin every year, don’t come next nor near the place for the rest of the time.

Woah now, are you looking to deny and at the same time, belittling the Irish diaspora the opportunity to play for the country of their people?

Are you placing more status upon a fella who comes over here to make a few bob for a decade, deny an Irish man a chance to make a career, and then fuck off again?

This is incredible. @rocko, ban this cunt.


Wont be much to live off if there is no supporters in the stadiums after Christmas.IRFU will be running broke of they continue to pay the likes of Murray and sexton ridiculous wages to play well 2/3 times a year

Of the 9 players listed at the bottom of that article 3 of them are no longer employed by the IRFU and all 3 no longer live in Ireland. You would need a very peculiar view of the world to think that Nathan White is more entitled to represent Ireland than Kevin Kilbane.