The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

I’m going :disappointed_relieved:

Jammy bastard. Should be a great occasion.


I also went to a networking event last week. A young Julio Geordio would punch me in the face if he met me, and he’d be right too.


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I’ll be knocking around town Saturday night :pint:

Christmas party?

Christmas Jumper?

Please. He’ll be dressed as one of Santa’s little helpers.

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How about I help rearrange your face

No, a drinking session.
It’s a sign of how low we’ve gone that that question even needs to be asked.

Bring a footstool.

Jesus. Say it ain’t so pal, say it ain’t so. :fearful:

The perfect Christmas gift

I see Cian Healy gave some lad a forearm smash to the face as he was lying prone on the ground.

I see a few lads from Cork parked their cars in the grounds of Corbally National School last night and the rising floodwaters prevented them from accessing their vehicles after the game.


A real Christmas feel good story


I have an outside chance of a “nice post” for this one.

A photo of the flooded cars would help.